#org 0x822BE78
setvar 0x40CF 0x6
setvar 0x40CE 0x0
special 0x27
msgbox 0x822C4F8 ' \hF3\h50\hF5\h2A\hF1\h88\hF3U\hF1\h83\hF1a\hF1\h16\h19!\n\hF3閈hF3\h1C\h1F\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h31\hF3\h72!\p\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\h73\hF4\h09\n\hF2j\hF1t\hF2Z\hF4n!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
message 0x822C53F ' \h66\hF1\h87\h7E\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\h73\hF4\h09\n\hF1\h87\h7E\hF2[.]?
multichoice 0x11 0x6 0x17 0x0
copyvar 0x8000 LASTRESULT
compare 0x8000 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822BECB ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x1
if 0x1 jump 0x822C02F ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x2
if 0x1 jump 0x822C08B ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x7F
if 0x1 jump 0x822C08B ' Equal To
message 0x822C6BD ' \h31\hF1o\hF3\h72\hF1\h75\n\hF2E\hF1\h8450\h8C\hF1\h30\h76\hF2E\hF1\h84\l\h1E\hF2s\hF3\h45\hF3\h1D?
multichoice 0x11 0x6 0x18 0x0
copyvar 0x8000 LASTRESULT
compare 0x8000 0x2
if 0x1 jump 0x822C08B ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x7F
if 0x1 jump 0x822C08B ' Equal To
setvar 0x8004 0xF
special 0xE7
compare 0x8004 0x1
if 0x1 jump 0x822C03C ' Equal To
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x1
copyvar 0x8006 LASTRESULT
special 0xE7
msgbox 0x822C6EA ' \hF2V\hF2-\hF2\hAF3\hF3\h04\h37\h38!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
fadescreen 0x1 ' Fade screen to black
call 0x82202F8
copyvar 0x8004 LASTRESULT
setvar 0x8005 0x3
special 0xF5
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C088 ' Equal To
msgbox 0x822C83E ' \h1E\hF2s\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h31\hF3\h72\hF4\h9E\n\hF5\h1D\hF2\h67\hF2o\hF2t?
callstd MSG_YESNO ' Yes/No msg
copyvar 0x8000 LASTRESULT
compare 0x8000 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C088 ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x1
if 0x1 jump 0x822BF6C ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x7F
if 0x1 jump 0x822C088 ' Equal To
setvar 0x4000 0x0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x4
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x2
setvar 0x8006 0x1
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x0
setvar 0x8006 0x1
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x3
setvar 0x8006 0x0
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x6
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x9
special 0xF0
special 0x28
pause 0x2
call 0x82423E9
setvar 0x4000 0xFF
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C071 ' Equal To
special 0x27
setvar 0x8004 0x3
setvar 0x8005 0x3
special 0xE7
msgbox 0x822C866 ' \hF2V\h1E\hF2s\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h31\hF3\h72\hF2t!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
call 0x822C31D
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x0
setvar 0x8006 0x0
special 0xE7
setvar LASTRESULT 0x0
special 0x0 ' Heal Pokemon
warp 0x1A 0x1A 0xFF 0x1 0x1
setvar 0x4000 0x0
#org 0x822BECB
message 0x822C6BD ' \h31\hF1o\hF3\h72\hF1\h75\n\hF2E\hF1\h8450\h8C\hF1\h30\h76\hF2E\hF1\h84\l\h1E\hF2s\hF3\h45\hF3\h1D?
multichoice 0x11 0x6 0x18 0x0
copyvar 0x8000 LASTRESULT
compare 0x8000 0x2
if 0x1 jump 0x822C08B ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x7F
if 0x1 jump 0x822C08B ' Equal To
setvar 0x8004 0xF
special 0xE7
compare 0x8004 0x1
if 0x1 jump 0x822C03C ' Equal To
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x1
copyvar 0x8006 LASTRESULT
special 0xE7
msgbox 0x822C6EA ' \hF2V\hF2-\hF2\hAF3\hF3\h04\h37\h38!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
fadescreen 0x1 ' Fade screen to black
call 0x82202F8
copyvar 0x8004 LASTRESULT
setvar 0x8005 0x3
special 0xF5
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C088 ' Equal To
msgbox 0x822C83E ' \h1E\hF2s\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h31\hF3\h72\hF4\h9E\n\hF5\h1D\hF2\h67\hF2o\hF2t?
callstd MSG_YESNO ' Yes/No msg
copyvar 0x8000 LASTRESULT
compare 0x8000 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C088 ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x1
if 0x1 jump 0x822BF6C ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x7F
if 0x1 jump 0x822C088 ' Equal To
setvar 0x4000 0x0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x4
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x2
setvar 0x8006 0x1
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x0
setvar 0x8006 0x1
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x3
setvar 0x8006 0x0
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x6
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x9
special 0xF0
special 0x28
pause 0x2
call 0x82423E9
setvar 0x4000 0xFF
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C071 ' Equal To
special 0x27
setvar 0x8004 0x3
setvar 0x8005 0x3
special 0xE7
msgbox 0x822C866 ' \hF2V\h1E\hF2s\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h31\hF3\h72\hF2t!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
call 0x822C31D
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x0
setvar 0x8006 0x0
special 0xE7
setvar LASTRESULT 0x0
special 0x0 ' Heal Pokemon
warp 0x1A 0x1A 0xFF 0x1 0x1
setvar 0x4000 0x0
#org 0x822C08B
msgbox 0x822C559 ' \hF3 \hF1\h87\h7E\hF2t!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
#org 0x822C02F
msgbox 0x822C571 ' \h66\hF1\h87\h7E\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\h73\hF4\h09\n\h1E\hF2s\h31\hF1o\hF3\h72\hF1\h4B\l\hF1\h31\h69\hF20\h1E\hF3\h35\p\hF1t\hF4\h84\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h02\hF2\h45!\n\hF2\hB3\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h02\hF2\h45\hF1\h4B\hF1a\h4F\hF2B\n\hF3\h0E\h2A\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\hF3\h47\h17\l\hF3\h1F\hF1\h36\hF4\h67\hF3\h47\hF1a!\p\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\hF1\h4B\n\hF2-\hF2\hAF\hB3\h7A\hF2X'\l\h6E\hF2'\hF1\h4B\hF3\h25\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
jump 0x822BE8F
#org 0x822BE8F
message 0x822C53F ' \h66\hF1\h87\h7E\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\h73\hF4\h09\n\hF1\h87\h7E\hF2[.]?
multichoice 0x11 0x6 0x17 0x0
copyvar 0x8000 LASTRESULT
compare 0x8000 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822BECB ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x1
if 0x1 jump 0x822C02F ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x2
if 0x1 jump 0x822C08B ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x7F
if 0x1 jump 0x822C08B ' Equal To
message 0x822C6BD ' \h31\hF1o\hF3\h72\hF1\h75\n\hF2E\hF1\h8450\h8C\hF1\h30\h76\hF2E\hF1\h84\l\h1E\hF2s\hF3\h45\hF3\h1D?
multichoice 0x11 0x6 0x18 0x0
copyvar 0x8000 LASTRESULT
compare 0x8000 0x2
if 0x1 jump 0x822C08B ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x7F
if 0x1 jump 0x822C08B ' Equal To
setvar 0x8004 0xF
special 0xE7
compare 0x8004 0x1
if 0x1 jump 0x822C03C ' Equal To
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x1
copyvar 0x8006 LASTRESULT
special 0xE7
msgbox 0x822C6EA ' \hF2V\hF2-\hF2\hAF3\hF3\h04\h37\h38!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
fadescreen 0x1 ' Fade screen to black
call 0x82202F8
copyvar 0x8004 LASTRESULT
setvar 0x8005 0x3
special 0xF5
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C088 ' Equal To
msgbox 0x822C83E ' \h1E\hF2s\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h31\hF3\h72\hF4\h9E\n\hF5\h1D\hF2\h67\hF2o\hF2t?
callstd MSG_YESNO ' Yes/No msg
copyvar 0x8000 LASTRESULT
compare 0x8000 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C088 ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x1
if 0x1 jump 0x822BF6C ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x7F
if 0x1 jump 0x822C088 ' Equal To
setvar 0x4000 0x0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x4
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x2
setvar 0x8006 0x1
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x0
setvar 0x8006 0x1
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x3
setvar 0x8006 0x0
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x6
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x9
special 0xF0
special 0x28
pause 0x2
call 0x82423E9
setvar 0x4000 0xFF
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C071 ' Equal To
special 0x27
setvar 0x8004 0x3
setvar 0x8005 0x3
special 0xE7
msgbox 0x822C866 ' \hF2V\h1E\hF2s\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h31\hF3\h72\hF2t!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
call 0x822C31D
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x0
setvar 0x8006 0x0
special 0xE7
setvar LASTRESULT 0x0
special 0x0 ' Heal Pokemon
warp 0x1A 0x1A 0xFF 0x1 0x1
setvar 0x4000 0x0
#org 0x822C03C
copyvar 0x8000 LASTRESULT
compare 0x8000 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C057 ' Equal To
compare 0x8000 0x1
if 0x1 jump 0x822C064 ' Equal To
msgbox 0x822C786 ' \hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\hF2\h13!!\p\hF1t\hF4\h84\hF1a\h37\h38\n\hF2\hBA\hF1\h753\hF3\h04\hF2g!\p\hF3\h33\hF3\h34\hF1t\h11\hF2E\hF1\h8450\hF2'\hF2\h46\n\h14\hF2[p]\h61\h0C\hF1a\h37\h38\l3\hF3\h04!\p\h37\h38\hF1a\h4F\hF2B\n\hF3\h4D\hF3\h3F\hF3\h48!\p\hF2\h1A\v\h02\h14\hF1\h99\hF28\hF1\h7F!\p\hF2A\hF2B\hF1\h97\hF3\h1F\h76\hF2w\hF2t
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
jump 0x822C093
#org 0x822C057
msgbox 0x822C786 ' \hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\hF2\h13!!\p\hF1t\hF4\h84\hF1a\h37\h38\n\hF2\hBA\hF1\h753\hF3\h04\hF2g!\p\hF3\h33\hF3\h34\hF1t\h11\hF2E\hF1\h8450\hF2'\hF2\h46\n\h14\hF2[p]\h61\h0C\hF1a\h37\h38\l3\hF3\h04!\p\h37\h38\hF1a\h4F\hF2B\n\hF3\h4D\hF3\h3F\hF3\h48!\p\hF2\h1A\v\h02\h14\hF1\h99\hF28\hF1\h7F!\p\hF2A\hF2B\hF1\h97\hF3\h1F\h76\hF2w\hF2t
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
jump 0x822C093
#org 0x822C093
#org 0x82202F8
setvar 0x8004 0x1
setvar 0x8005 0x1
special 0xE7
#org 0x822C088
special 0x28
msgbox 0x822C559 ' \hF3 \hF1\h87\h7E\hF2t!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
#org 0x822BF6C
setvar 0x4000 0x0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x4
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x2
setvar 0x8006 0x1
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x0
setvar 0x8006 0x1
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x3
setvar 0x8006 0x0
special 0xE7
setvar 0x8004 0x6
special 0xF0
setvar 0x8004 0x9
special 0xF0
special 0x28
pause 0x2
call 0x82423E9
setvar 0x4000 0xFF
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C071 ' Equal To
special 0x27
setvar 0x8004 0x3
setvar 0x8005 0x3
special 0xE7
msgbox 0x822C866 ' \hF2V\h1E\hF2s\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h31\hF3\h72\hF2t!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
call 0x822C31D
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x0
setvar 0x8006 0x0
special 0xE7
setvar LASTRESULT 0x0
special 0x0 ' Heal Pokemon
warp 0x1A 0x1A 0xFF 0x1 0x1
setvar 0x4000 0x0
#org 0x82423E9
special 0x5D
#org 0x822C071
setvar 0x8004 0x2
setvar 0x8005 0x0
setvar 0x8006 0x0
special 0xE7
jump 0x822C08B
#org 0x822C31D
applymovement 0x1 0x822C38B ' walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow raw_00 end
applymovement PLAYER 0x822C394 ' walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow end
pauseevent 0x0
msgbox 0x822C882 ' \v\h01\hF1t\hF4\h84\hF1a\h02\hF2\h45\n\hF2j\h11\hF1\h47\hF3\h4E\hF2t!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
setvar 0x8004 0x1
setvar 0x8005 0x1
special 0xF0
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 jump 0x822C35B ' Equal To
msgbox 0x822C8A8 ' \hF4\h9E\h77\hF1a\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h02\hF2\h45\hF1t\hF4\h84\hF2t!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
jump 0x822C363
#org 0x822C35B
msgbox 0x822C8CF ' \hF2\hB3\hF3\h1D\hF1a\n\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h02\hF2\h45 \hF1t\hF4\h84\hF2t!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
message 0x822C8EA ' \v\h01\hF1\h47\hF3\h4E\h02\hF2\h45\n\hF1t\hF4\h84\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h02\hF2\h45!
sound 0x5B
msgbox 0x822C907 ' \hF4n\h31\hF1o\hF3\h72\h13\hF2f\hF2t!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
applymovement 0x1 0x822C39C ' walk_right_vslow look_left end
pauseevent 0x0
applymovement PLAYER 0x822C39F ' walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow end
pauseevent 0x0
#org 0x822C363
message 0x822C8EA ' \v\h01\hF1\h47\hF3\h4E\h02\hF2\h45\n\hF1t\hF4\h84\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h02\hF2\h45!
sound 0x5B
msgbox 0x822C907 ' \hF4n\h31\hF1o\hF3\h72\h13\hF2f\hF2t!
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
applymovement 0x1 0x822C39C ' walk_right_vslow look_left end
pauseevent 0x0
applymovement PLAYER 0x822C39F ' walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow end
pauseevent 0x0
#org 0x822C064
msgbox 0x822C708 ' \hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\hF2\h13!!\p\hF1t\hF4\h84\hF1a\h37\h38\n\hF2\hBA\hF1\h753\hF3\h04\hF2g!\p\h37\h38\hF1a\h4F\hF2B\n\hF3\h4D\hF3\h3F\hF3\h48!\p\hF2\h1A\v\h02\h14\hF1\h99\hF28\hF1\h7F!\p\hF2A\hF2B\hF1\h97\hF3\h1F\h76\hF2w\hF2t
callstd MSG_NOCLOSE ' Non-closing msg
jump 0x822C093
#org 0x822C4F8
= \hF3\h50\hF5\h2A\hF1\h88\hF3U\hF1\h83\hF1a\hF1\h16\h19!\n\hF3閈hF3\h1C\h1F\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h31\hF3\h72!\p\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\h73\hF4\h09\n\hF2j\hF1t\hF2Z\hF4n!
#org 0x822C53F
= \h66\hF1\h87\h7E\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\h73\hF4\h09\n\hF1\h87\h7E\hF2[.]?
#org 0x822C6BD
= \h31\hF1o\hF3\h72\hF1\h75\n\hF2E\hF1\h8450\h8C\hF1\h30\h76\hF2E\hF1\h84\l\h1E\hF2s\hF3\h45\hF3\h1D?
#org 0x822C6EA
= \hF2V\hF2-\hF2\hAF3\hF3\h04\h37\h38!
#org 0x822C83E
= \h1E\hF2s\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h31\hF3\h72\hF4\h9E\n\hF5\h1D\hF2\h67\hF2o\hF2t?
#org 0x822C866
= \hF2V\h1E\hF2s\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h31\hF3\h72\hF2t!
#org 0x822C559
= \hF3 \hF1\h87\h7E\hF2t!
#org 0x822C571
= \h66\hF1\h87\h7E\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\h73\hF4\h09\n\h1E\hF2s\h31\hF1o\hF3\h72\hF1\h4B\l\hF1\h31\h69\hF20\h1E\hF3\h35\p\hF1t\hF4\h84\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h02\hF2\h45!\n\hF2\hB3\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h02\hF2\h45\hF1\h4B\hF1a\h4F\hF2B\n\hF3\h0E\h2A\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\hF3\h47\h17\l\hF3\h1F\hF1\h36\hF4\h67\hF3\h47\hF1a!\p\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\hF1\h4B\n\hF2-\hF2\hAF\hB3\h7A\hF2X'\l\h6E\hF2'\hF1\h4B\hF3\h25\hF5\h8F\hF5\h46!
#org 0x822C786
= \hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\hF2\h13!!\p\hF1t\hF4\h84\hF1a\h37\h38\n\hF2\hBA\hF1\h753\hF3\h04\hF2g!\p\hF3\h33\hF3\h34\hF1t\h11\hF2E\hF1\h8450\hF2'\hF2\h46\n\h14\hF2[p]\h61\h0C\hF1a\h37\h38\l3\hF3\h04!\p\h37\h38\hF1a\h4F\hF2B\n\hF3\h4D\hF3\h3F\hF3\h48!\p\hF2\h1A\v\h02\h14\hF1\h99\hF28\hF1\h7F!\p\hF2A\hF2B\hF1\h97\hF3\h1F\h76\hF2w\hF2t
#org 0x822C882
= \v\h01\hF1t\hF4\h84\hF1a\h02\hF2\h45\n\hF2j\h11\hF1\h47\hF3\h4E\hF2t!
#org 0x822C8A8
= \hF4\h9E\h77\hF1a\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h02\hF2\h45\hF1t\hF4\h84\hF2t!
#org 0x822C8CF
= \hF2\hB3\hF3\h1D\hF1a\n\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h02\hF2\h45 \hF1t\hF4\h84\hF2t!
#org 0x822C8EA
= \v\h01\hF1\h47\hF3\h4E\h02\hF2\h45\n\hF1t\hF4\h84\h66\hF1\h87\h7E\h02\hF2\h45!
#org 0x822C907
= \hF4n\h31\hF1o\hF3\h72\h13\hF2f\hF2t!
#org 0x822C708
= \hF5\h8F\hF5\h46\hF2\h13!!\p\hF1t\hF4\h84\hF1a\h37\h38\n\hF2\hBA\hF1\h753\hF3\h04\hF2g!\p\h37\h38\hF1a\h4F\hF2B\n\hF3\h4D\hF3\h3F\hF3\h48!\p\hF2\h1A\v\h02\h14\hF1\h99\hF28\hF1\h7F!\p\hF2A\hF2B\hF1\h97\hF3\h1F\h76\hF2w\hF2t
#org 0x822C38B
M walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow raw_00 end
#org 0x822C394
M walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow end
#org 0x822C39C
M walk_right_vslow look_left end
#org 0x822C39F
M walk_up_vslow walk_up_vslow end