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This is my walkthrough of the game Pokemon Raptor created by O.G. Duke. 这是O.G.DUKE创作的口袋妖怪猛禽攻略。
How to read it: 导读
This Guide covers the storyline of Pokemon Raptor from start to finish it covers all routes except for routes 19 and 20 as you never have to go on them and the game freezes somewhere on those routes; the routes have items and pokemon I encountered as well as the level range of pokemon I found. The trainers are listed to give you an idea of what to expect, though they may not always be in order. 此攻略包括了口袋妖怪猛禽游戏的从始至终全部的内容,它包括了除了19、20号路以外所有的道路的情况(因为你不会到19、20号道路,而且游戏到那里的某处会卡住)。攻略中写了这些(除了19、20号以外的)道路中玩家可以捡到的道具和能遇到的PM以及它们的等级。攻略列出了游戏中所有的训练师(虽然他们不一定按照顺序),让你思考对策。 I hope you enjoy this guide. 我希望你能享受这份攻略
Sybric City
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
5 houses Sybric市 建筑:PC中心,商店,5座房子 Poke Mart Inventory
Potion $300
Antidote $100
Paralyze Heal $200 商店物价
状态恢复200元 Getting used to the game
Okay to start thing off, the first thing that happens after the whole character creation thing is that you see Steven fighting off a rattata with his metagross, he then beats it easily and tells you that you’ve learn basically everything you need to know about pokemon, he then takes you back to his house were he gives you your starter pokemon, one of the Sinnoh starters, so pick one so you can move on with your preference. Steven will leave for a minute and when he returns he says he must go to the Kanto region and gives you a trainer card and tells you to go see Professor Oak to get a pokedex in the next town. 游戏开始了,你完成所有的按键设置以后,第一件事就是看见代后用他的合金十字在和一只小拉达战斗,接着他很轻松的击败了小拉达,并告诉你你已经大体上了解了你应该知道的关于PM的事情。然后他带你去了他的家,要给你你的初始PM(新奥三主兽之一),选择一个你喜欢的与之接下来的共度旅途。之后代后会离开一会,他回来以后说,他必须要去关东地区;并且给了你一张训练师卡,让你去下一个镇子的大木博士那里拿图鉴。 Route 21 (patch of grass only) 21号道路(只有一小片草地)
You can only access a little patch of grass for now not much to do otherwise so head to route 1 你现在只能进入一小片草地,其他没什么能做的,所以去1号道路。 Items
None 道具:无
Pokemon Lvl range 2-5
Poochyena PM(2~5级)
波波 小拉达
土狼犬 Route 1 1号道路 Items
Paralyze heal
Antidote 道具:状态恢复,解毒药
Pokemon lvl range 2-5
Hoothoot PM(2~5级) 波波 尾立 土狼犬 小拉达 咕咕 Go through Route 1 to Tropical Town. 穿过1号道路来到Tropical镇。 Tropicia town
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
4 houses
Pokemon Lab Tropical镇 建筑:PC中心,商店,四座房子,PM实验室 Poke mart
Poke ball $200
Potion $300
Antidote $100
Paralyze heal $200 商店物价: 神奇宝贝球200元 伤药300元 解毒药100元 状态恢复200元 The lab is the big building you can see when you first arrive in the town but you can go around a look at the rest of town if you feel like it, you’ll see a member of team hunter (more on the latter) though he just stands there for now, you’ll be coming back here latter in the game of him. So anyway just go into the Lab and speak to the aid he tells you that the professor is on route 1 so head there. After entering the route you will see the Professor being attacked by an ekans and you’ll have to save the day. As a reward for saving him professor Oak will give you a pokedex and a pokedevice. Talking to the assistant will get you 5 free poke balls just like every other game so do it. Time to move on, yes the game doesn’t really tell you where to go most of the time. 实验室就是你刚刚到镇上就能看到的大建筑。不过如果你喜欢的话,你也可以看看镇子的其他地方:你会看到一个猎人团的成员(之后会更多)站在那儿,你在之后的游戏中将会回到他这里。所以不论如何就去实验室,和博士的助手对话,他告诉你博士在1号道路,所以去那里吧。到达1号道路后,你将会看到博士被一只阿柏蛇攻击,你必须去救他。作为报答,博士会给你图鉴和口袋手表。另外,和助手对话之后你能得到5个免费的神奇宝贝球(就像所有的口袋游戏一样)。接下来是出发的时候了,不过是的,这个游戏大多数时候不会告诉你应该去什么地方。 Route 2 2号道路
Awakening 道具:伤药,清醒药 Pokemon lvl range 3-6
Wingull PM(3~6级) 荷叶童子 阿柏蛇 毽子草 玫瑰苞 种子怪 烈雀 玛丽露 小电狮 小海鸥
School Kid Garret
Rattata lvl 3 训练师 放学的Garret 小拉达LV3 Just follow the route; here you’ll have your first trainer battle. After that continue till you see the two men in white suit that are from Team Hunter, talk to them and they’ll go into the forest, follow them. 一直沿着道路,你会第一次与训练师战斗。在这之后继续前进,直到你看见2个穿着白色外套的猎人团成员,对话后,他们会进入森林,跟上他们。 Healing Forest 治愈森林
Poke ball
Escape Rope
Rare Candy
Guard Spec. 道具:神奇宝贝球,穿洞绳,神奇糖果,防护胶囊
Pokemon lvl range 3-6
Ledyba PM(3~6级) 绿毛虫 独角蛛 刺尾虫 独角虫 巴瓢虫
Youngster Braxton
Rattata lvl 3
Zigzagoon lvl 4 训练师:
小拉达LV3 蛇纹熊LV4
Bug Catcher Addison
Caterpie lvl 2
Wurmple lvl 2 捕虫少年Addison 绿毛虫LV2 刺尾虫LV2
Bug Catcher Dexter
Wurmple lvl 3
Caterpie lvl 3
Ledyba lvl 3 捕虫少年Dexter 刺尾虫LV3 绿毛虫LV3 巴瓢虫LV3 Bug Maniac Jeff
Weedle lvl 5 昆虫狂Jeff 独角虫LV5
Okay here you only really have to north, after a fight with a Youngster you’ll see a group of 4 team hunter goons talking about capturing Celebi, Celebi will bring a boy to the time and you will have to fight Team hunter. 在森林里你只要一直向北走。与一个短裤小孩对战后,你会看到四个猎人团成员,他们正在讨论捕捉雪拉比的事情。接着一个男孩突然出现(他是被雪拉比带到这个时代的)。然后你将与猎人团对战。
Team Hunter Grunt Chris
Starly lvl 3 猎人团小卒Chris 胖胖翁LV3
After you beat him they will run away, you’ll talk to the boy, who will tell you his name is Sam, and that he’s traveled through time, go north to Route 3. 被击败后,对手便和他的同伙一起逃跑了。你会和男孩对话,得知他叫Sam,是穿越时空来到这里的。对话完成后,继续向北,去3号道路。
Route 3 3号道路
Dire Hit
Repel 道具:会心胶囊,喷雾器
Pokemon Lvl range 4-7
Nidoran male
Nidoran Female
Shellos (pink)
Ralts PM(4~7级) 尼多朗 尼多兰 小懒猴 喵喵 无壳蜗牛(粉色) 咩咩羊 超能萝莉
None 训练师:无
Go north to get to Mercure City. 向北走,到达Mercure市
Mercure City
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
5 houses
Pokemon Gym
HM01- Cut Mercure市建筑:PC中心,商店,5座房子,训练馆。HM01间合斩
Poke mart
Poke ball $200
Portion $300
Antidote $100
Awakening $250
Paralyze Heal $200
Escape Rope $550
Burn Heal $250
Repel $350 商店物价 神奇宝贝球200元 伤药300元 解毒药100元 清醒药250元 麻痹药200元 穿洞绳550元 烧伤药250元 喷雾器350元
Not much to do here but go to the gym, it’s a bug one 在这座城市除了去道馆(一个虫系道馆)以外,没什么事可做。 Gym-type Bug
Bug Catcher Bill
Weedle Lvl 5
Caterpie lvl 5 虫系道馆 训练师 捕虫少年Bill 独角虫LV5 刺尾虫LV5
Bug Maniac Nelson
Wurmple lvl 5
Kakuna lvl 6
Metapod lvl 5 昆虫狂Nelson
刺尾虫LV5 铁壳昆LV6 铁甲蛹LV5
Leader Gray
Wurmple lvl 7
Spinarak lvl 9
Beedrill lvl 11 训练馆首领Gray 刺尾虫LV7 独角蛛LV9 大针蜂LV11 After you beat him he gives you the Beetle badge and the TM bullet seed enjoy it as it is one of the few TM’s in the game. After you have obtained the Beetle Badge go into the house just above it and talk to the young man he’ll give you cut. 在你击败首领后,你会得到甲虫徽章和TM种子机枪(这是游戏中的几个TM之一,所以珍惜它吧)。然后到道馆上方的房子里,和一个年轻人对话,他会给你HM01间合斩。 From here we can go to route 7 or route 4 从Mercure市出发我们能到达7号或者4号道路。
Route 7 7号道路 Items
None 道具:无 Pokemon Lvl Range 6-9
Minun PM(6~9级) 红胖蜂 蓝胖蜂 赫拉克罗斯 正电拍拍 胖丁 负电拍拍
none 训练师:无 Route 8 8号道路
Super potion
Rare Candy
X Defend
X Special
(Some of these may be on route 7 I wasn’t paying attention to the route change originally) 道具:好伤药,神奇糖果,X防御,X特攻(这其中的一些道具也许在7号道路,我一开始没有注意道路的改变) Pokemon Lvl range 7-9
Chatot PM(7~9级)
雷电球 天蝎 猫鼬斩 盔甲鸟 素利普 音符鹦鹉 Trainers 训练师
Beauty Kristopher
Pidgey lvl 4
Spearow lvl 4 成熟大姐姐Kristopher 波波LV4 烈雀LV4 Youngster Bryan
Rattata lvl 7 短裤小孩Bryan 小拉达LV7
Moonview Town
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
4 houses Moonview镇 建筑:PC中心,商店,4座房子 Poke Mart
Poke ball $200
Super Potion $700
Potion $300
Antidote $100
Awakening $250
Paralyze Heal $200
Escape Rope $550
Burn Heal $250
Repel $350 商店物价 神奇宝贝球200元 好伤药700元 伤药300元 解毒药100元 清醒药250元 麻痹药200元 穿洞绳550元 烧伤药250元 喷雾器350元 You can find a rare candy next to the Poke Mart, other then that there’s not much to do here yet, there are Team Hunter goons here though you can’t do anything, and there is a man blocking the cave here so if you headed here head to route 4 now. 你会在商店旁边找到一个神奇糖果,除此之外,目前没有其他能做的事情了。这里有一些猎人团成员,不过你什么也不能做。镇子上还有一个洞窟,但有一个男人堵住了洞口,所以你无法进入。总之,如果你到了这个镇子,现在去4号道路。 Route 4 4号道路
Focus Band 道具:气息头巾
Pokemon Lvl range 3-7
Nincada PM(3~7级) 皮卡丘 向日种子 卷耳兔 六尾 阳阳玛 走路草 土忍居士 Trainers
Picnicker Cora
Zigzagoon lvl 7
Bidoof lvl 7 训练师 露营的Cora 蛇纹熊LV7 龅牙狸LV7 Camper Antony
Whismur lvl 8 露营少年Anthony
咕妞妞LV8 Route 5
HP up
Pokemon Lvl range 5-8
There are some cops on this road, don’t worry about it now you’ll be going there shortly. In the area between route 5 and Krypton City you can get the old rod by talking to the fisherman.
Krypton City
Pokemon Center
Poke mart (Hypermart)
2 houses
Pokemon Gym
HM05 Flash
Floor 3
Poke doll $1000
Leaf Stone $2100
Fire Stone $2100
Thunder Stone $2100
Water Stone $2100
Floor 4
X attack $500
X Defend $550
X speed $350
X special $350
X accuracy $950
Guard Spec. $700
Dire Hit $650
HP up $9800
Protein $9800
Iron $9800
Calcium $9800
Zinc $9800
Carbos $9800
Okay lots to do here, in the house closest to the Poke mart you can buy honey from the girl in the corner, if you try to go to the gym it won’t let you in so head into the factory.
Okay here you find out that they are creating a new poke balls, head upstairs and talk with the scientist closest to the door and he’ll mention something about a raptor ball and leave, head back downstairs now. You’ll see the scientist that was blocking the basement is now gone so go down there.
Here you will see some Team Hunter Goons just keep going down.
1rst room fight the Grunt here
Team Hunter Grunt Jonathan
Zubat lvl 7
Zubat lvl 7
Zubat lvl 7
You’ll see lots of statues but before that go get the item, it’s a nugget. Anyway
Go up to bottom rows of statues and then press the c button on the middle one to get rid of the door. You’ll have another fight against a grunt
Team Hunter Grunt Johnson
Taillow lvl 8
Bidoof lvl 7
Starly lvl 7
Head down the stairs
Floor 2
You’ll fight another grunt
Team Hunter Grunt Justin
Geodude lvl 5
Snubbull lvl 9
Head south and there’s an optional grunt battle.
Team Hunter Grunt Wilson
Shinx lvl 8
If you beat this grunt hell tell you that you need a password to unlock the door coming up. If you just wanna get the password and continue he’s up in the top right of the room.
The next grunt you can see is not the password holder but here are his stats anyway
Team Hunter Grunt Endrance
Drifloon lvl 6
Buizel lvl 8
From him you know have two route you can take, the closer one holds
A mental Herb
Team Hunter Grunt Alex
Zigzagoon lvl 6
Rattata lvl 8
Team Hunter Grunt Jack
Bidoof lvl 9
Though the password holder is not any of them the last route is
Team Hunter Grunt Rolph
Zubat lvl 5
Geodude lvl 5
Beautifly lvl 10
A Carbos and
Team Hunter Grunt Ben
Poochyena lvl 8
After beating him he unlocks the door for you, go down the stairs to reach Floor 3.
Floor 3
The item there is a smoke ball anyway head south for your first double battle.
Team Hunter Duo Jay & Bobby
Zangoose lvl 11
Seviper lvl 11
Beat them and continue on to here more of the plot, involving the Raptor Ball. The leader of the gym will come to save the day but will be destroyed and the bad guys will leave. You’ll then have to go get a potion unless you already have one, once you have the potion talk to him again. Anyway after he gets his potion he’ll leave, and you can finally challenge him so go do that.
Gym-type Electric
This gym is a lot like Mossdeep City’s gym.
You’ll get the Volt badge for beating him which lets you use Flash outside of battle, and the TM light screen. Now that you’ve beaten him go into the house next to the factory and talk to the man to receive flash.
Head south again because those cops are now gone and there are a couple of trainers blocking the path on route 11. If you didn’t see the cops before on route 5 just past the bird keeper there is another path, just follow that. On the way you can now get an item that was blocked by the cops which is an ultra ball.
Route 6
Pokemon Lvl range 10-17
Branchtrake Town
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
4 houses
Bike shop
Go into the bike shop and talk to the policeman in front of the clerk. Then go back down to Route 6 where you will fight the bike thief.
Punk Biker
Absol lvl 18
After you beat him you’ll be warped back to the bike shop and given a free bike. Now it’s time to go to route 11 because route 17 needs strength.
Route 11
Macho Brace (hidden item)
Pokemon Lvl range 6-13
Lass Sarah
Kricketot lvl 14
Guitarist Kurt
Pikachu lvl 12
Electrike lvl 13
Peakland City
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
4 houses
Pokemon Gym
Pokemon Day care
Rock Smash
Name Rater
Here inside of a house you can get rock smash so do that as you’ll need it for the rest of the game. If you talk to the old man you will receive a pokemon egg. In the house next to the pokemon center is the name rater. Anyway
Gym –type Rock (leader only has steel types though)
Hiker King
Geodude lvl 17
Geodude lvl 17
Geodude lvl 17
Lass Angel
Nosepass lvl 20
Rich Boy Gate
Onix Lvl 19
Leader Knuck
Mawile lvl 24
Bronzor lvl 22
Steelix lvl 26
For beating him you’ll get the Break Badge which lets you use Rock Smash outside of battle. You’ll also get Brick Break. Continue to route 12
Beating her nets you the Blizzard Badge and the ability to use surf outside of battle. As well as the TM Hail. After she finishes talking you’ll be warped outside were you will see a meteor fall. Go to Freezday square. Here you’ll find out that the meteor is really deoxys but it’ll flash and you’ll then be in the bottom floor of the pokemon center. Were a scientist will ask you about what happened, and then leave, you next goal is Duskduke city so lets head back to wear the boulders were Route 13.
Important Even thought you know have surf do not go back to Rainbow mountain and scale it, you’ll trigger an event too soon and have to reset the entire game.
Route 13
The man moved the boulders so you can get into the city.
Duskduke City
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
5 houses
Pokemon Gym
Poke mart inventory
Ultra ball $1200
Great Ball $600
Super Potion $700
Revive $1500
Full heal $600
Max Repel $700
There’s not much to do Yet so go take on the gym.
Gym- type Flying
Bird keeper Kevin & Guitarist Lance
Pidgeotto lvl 27
Staravia lvl 25
Camper Duo Vincent & Shirley
Fearow lvl 25
Swablu lvl 25
Beating them gets you the Peck Badge which gives you the ability to use fly outside of battle (which you will get in a little bit), and the TM Aerial Ace. Leave the gym to trigger an event, with Deoxys. You and everyone in town will be captured and put in a room, Steven will come and save you and tell you Deoxys is looking for you. Steven then tells you to deal with Deoxys. After you beat/catch Deoxys go back to the man who moved the boulders and get the HM fly. Then head to Route 16 which is south of the pokemon center in Duskduke City.
Route 16
Special location
Here you can find a little patch of land called the sunstone garden, here there are 4 sunstones that you can pick up but they are all hidden items.
Pokemon Lvl range 22-26
Daystraits Port
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
4 houses
Cosmo Institute
Poke mart inventory
Great Ball $600
Hyper Potion $1200
Revive $1500
Full heal $600
Paralyze Heal $200
Max Repel $700
Escape Rope $550
In the house next to the pokemon center you will find a woman who can tell you who much your pokemon likes you, helpful for those pokemon that evolve by happiness. Anyway heal up and talk to the hunter grunt in front of the institute, to fight her.
Team Hunter Grunt Alice
Murkrow lvl 29
Absol lvl 29
Enter the building she was guarding.
Cosmo Institute
Fight your way to the top
Fight the First Grunt
Team Hunter Grunt Menuela
Sableye lvl 27
Mightyena lvl 29
Get a black flute
Then fight another Grunt
Team Hunter Grunt Frank
Stunky lvl 28
There’s another Hunter Grunt on this floor though you don’t have to fight her here she is
Team Hunter Grunt Helena
Sneasel lvl 28
Carvanha lvl 28
Go up to the second floor and fight another Grunt
Team Hunter Grunt Will
Houndour lvl 25
Poochyena lvl 25
Houndour lvl 26
Poochyena lvl 26
There’s an optional grunt in front of a Revive, if you don’t fight her at least go get that never know when it’ll come in handy talking to the scientist near there will get you TM 29 Psychic, below is her stats
In order to get to floor 3 you have to fight yet another Grunt
Team Hunter Grunt Pauline
Grimer lvl 26
Baltoy lvl 26
The 3rd floor is the last one so just beat the following Grunts
Team Hunter Grunt Edmund
Machop lvl 27
Kirlia lvl 27
Primeape lvl 28
Team Hunter Grunt Georgiana
Slowpoke lvl 25
Bronzor lvl 25
After beating the two of them go forward to trigger an event. Were you’ll meet Fergus one of the leaders of Team Hunter, and learn that the Millennium Comet can be seen in Moonview town. You’ll then fight Fergus
Team Hunter Leader Fergus
Lunatone lvl 34
Solrock lvl 34
Not that strong for a Leader of Team Hunter.
After you beat him he will leave and you’ll be told about the Millennium Comet, and then you get asked to stop whatever Team hunters planning, so use that fly you got and head to Moonview, if you followed my advice and went there earlier if not then you have to walk all the way there.
Moonview Town
The old man in front of the cave no longer blocks your path, go into the mountain. If you don’t have a pokemon that can use surf get one now you’ll need it.
Mount Moonview
Here you can fight a member of Team Hunter though you are’nt required to as you can go past him.
Wild Pokemon lvl range 21-25
Team Hunter Grunt Owen
Machop lvl 27
Croagunk lvl 28
Again you can avoid the grunt by the latter but it wouldn’t be a guide if I didn’t have her listed.
Team Hunter Grunt Olivia
Mankey lvl 26
Drifloon lvl 26
Noctowl lvl 26
Finally a grunt you have to fight
Team Hunter Grunt Daniela
Drifblim lvl 30
You can find an Everstone, as well as a zinc on this floor
You want to go down the latter on the piece of land with the grunt looking out at the water, though if you want the info on what else there is on this floor read what is next if not just skip it.
Anyway the grunt I just mentioned the one looking out at the water is this one
Team Hunter Grunt Daniel
Drowzee lvl 27
Kirlia lvl 27
Spoink lvl 27
Other then him there are 4 more grunts on this floor, in the upper left there are three, they are you can find an either at the rock there:
Team Hunter Grunt Diane
Persian lvl 30
Team Hunter Grunt Keren
Granbull lvl 28
Vigoroth lvl 28
Team Hunter Grunt Roger
Graveler lvl 25
Shieldon lvl 25
The Hunter Grunt in the lower right corner is
Team Hunter Grunt David
Xatu lvl 28
Quagsire lvl 28
Going up either of the two ladders their guarding brings you to the same place where you can find the following items
Hyper Potion
Quick Claw
Moon Stone
Anyway go back the piece of the guy looking out at the water and go down the stairs.
Back on floor 1 you find a soft sand then go downstairs.
Here surf across and get the soothe bell and then go up the ladder.
Here you have more Team Hunter Grunts to kill
Team Hunter Grunt Tamara
Flaaffy lvl 28
Manectric lvl 28
Team Hunter Grunt Lawrence
Slowpoke lvl 27
Vulpix lvl 27
Carnivine lvl 27
Get the rare candy from the rock and head outside.
The following is very important to the story line and I will be summarizing it.
Outside Mount Moonview
Here get the choice band then head north to trigger the event for Jirachi. Here you will meet Cynthia, and hear about Gaia Wings.
Moonview Town
Head back to town and talk with Cynthia. Jirachi wakes up and you are told about Arceus, and now have to head to Mount Rainbow to fight Ho-oh.
If you fly to Duskduke City and head to mount Rainbow from there, as that’s the way I’ll be telling you from.
Mount Rainbow
After arriving surf over to get a rare candy, go through the ladder, to get to the middle floor and continue till you get to the next floor, go east till you get to water and surf, you can get a King’s Rock and a PP Max, go up the ladder near the PP max.
Pokemon lvl range 19-22
Same as lower level’s of the cave but they are of higher lvl.
Option fight with a Hunter Grunt
Team Hunter Grunt Gina
Staravia lvl 26
Lopunny lvl 27
Vigoroth lvl 27
Go up the ladder and find another option Hunter Grunt battle
Team Hunter Grunt Casper
Kadabra lvl 27
Hypno lvl 27
You can get a Max Revive before heading up the ladder. On the next floor get the white flute before going up the ladder. Keep going up till you get the last floor where you can get a Energypowder.
Rainbow Peak
You’ll have to go up a little further here and fight a couple more grunts.
Team Hunter Grunt Bilson
Gabite lvl 27
Team Hunter Grunt Lena
Shieldon lvl 26
Cranidos lvl 26
Team Hunter Grunt Badwin
Zubat lvl 27
Absol lvl 27
After the last one the next opponent will be another member of Chaos 16 Veronica, but before that you learn that Ho-oh is the guardian of the Sky Plate.
After you beat her she runs away and you have to get the Sky Plate that Ho-oh guards.
So you’ll have to fight him. Once you have beaten/ caught Ho-oh return to Moonview and go downstairs to find out that Jirachi is missing. You’ll also meet Reynold a member of Gaia Wings. He’ll tell you that Chaos 16’s goal is to awaken Groudon and Kyogre who are both plate holders. You’ll give him the Sky plate as he will hold them.
You are then told that you have to go to Tropicia town (I told you we’d be going back) so fly there.
Tropicia Town
Remember that Grunt I said to leave alone, well if you don’t you’ll see him, just talk to him to fight him.
Team Hunter Grunt Baskar
Gallade lvl 30
After you beat him he’ll tell you that Team Hunter has everything they need to summon Groudon and Kyogre, and Cynthia will tell you to head back to the Moonview pokecenter so go there
Moonview Town
Go to the downstairs of the pokecenter. You’ll see a scene of Groudon and Kyogre awakening. When you can move again head outside the pokemon center to see Steven. He’ll give you an S.S. Ticket that lets you go to Hoenn, so it’s off to Daystraits Port.
Daystraits Port
Go on the ferry, to go to Mossdeep City in Hoenn.
Mossdeep City
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
3 houses
Cosmo Institute
Poke mart inventory
Ultra ball $1200
Great Ball $600
Hyper Potion $1200
Revive $1500
Full heal $600
Ice Heal $250
Escape Rope $550
Max Repel $700
Not much to do here but to go into the Space Institute. In here you’ll see Team Magma and Team Aqua battling, just head upstairs and everyone will leave because they just noticed Groudon and Kyogre have awakened. Leave the Institute and Steven will bring you to Sootopolis City. You’ll then see Groudon and Kyogre fighting so you decide to go get Rayquaza, and Steven will bring you to Sky Pillar.
Sky Pillar
Pokemon Lvl range 24-27
At the top of the Tower talk to Rayquaza and he’ll fly off to stop Groudon and Kyogre, get to the bottom of the tower and talk to Steven to go back to Sootopolis City. At Sootopolis City you see Rayquaza stop Groudon and Kyogre and then meet 2 more members of Chaos 16 Rhoda and Sylvia they tell you to go to Mastric City
Steven will tell you to go back to Torxia and get Jirachi back and gives you the D-pass which lets you use the ferry to get to Mastric City.
Mastric City
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
2 houses
Digging Mini-game
Cake Making Mini-game
Poke mart inventory
Ultra ball $1200
Great Ball $600
Super Potion $700
Revive $1500
Full heal $600
Burn Heal $250
Ice Heal $250
Paralyze heal $200
Escape Rope $550
Max Repel $700
This town is the mini-game, we have a digging mini-game where you can get item and the more you dig the higher the lvl goes meaning the better items you can get. There is also a Cake Making mini-game which lets you create cakes that are health boosting items. Anyway’s incase you can’t tell Team Hunter’s Lair is the house with the two Grunts outside, you can’t fight them but go inside and guarding the stairs there is another one which you do have to fight.
Team Hunter Grunt Georgeson
Kecleon lvl 29
Castform lvl 29
After you beat them you’ll be warped back to the top of Mount Moonview with Jirachi who has to go back to sleep, though you wish that Jirachi doesn’t have to go and it joins your team. You then get told to go to Mossdeep city to fight Groudon and Kyogre.
Mossdeep City
Go to where Steven’s house is in all the other games and he’ll be outside talk to him and you’ll be warped to the location of Groudon Terra Cave.
Important do not lose to them, some people have reported things happening in there games if they did.
Terra Cave
Pokemon lvl range 21-26
Fight Groudon, beat/capture it to get the Earth Plate, leave the cave and talk to Steven you’ll then go to where Kyogre is Marine Cave.
Marine Cave
Pokemon lvl range 22-26
Fight Kyogre, beat/ capture it to get the Splash Plate, leave the cave and talk to Steven, you’ll head back to Mossdeep City, where you’ll become a member of GAIA WINGS.
Okay now that you’re a GAIA WINGS member, time to go and work on becoming a champ, go back to Mastric City.
Mastric City
Okay now that you’re back in the city, you can go to the gym.
Gym- type fire
This gym is like similar to Fantina’s gym from Diamond and Pearl pick the right answer and advance without battle, talk to the sign and you’ll be asked which is electric, walk to the Pikachu to avoid conflict, and the fire will fade. Pick the wrong pokemon and you’ll fight
Black Belt Kay
Makuhita lvl 30
Croagunk lvl 33
Medicham lvl 33
Then the fire will fade.
The next sign will ask which item recovers HP pick the potion to advance without battle, though if you pick any other option, you’ll fight
Camper Force
Staraptor lvl 34
After that one you’ll see a man standing at the fire, you need to him 3 times non-stop, his team doesn’t change so I’ll only list it once.
Cool Trainer Wayne
Luxio lvl 30
Luxray lvl 34
Anyway after beating him 3 times he’ll leave and the fire will go out.
The next fight is the leader Volcana
Beating her will get you the 6th badge the Burn Badge it gives you the ability to use strength out of battle (you’ll get it soon). As well as TM38 Fire Blast. Now before you leave go back to the cake house and talk to the camper and you’ll get HM04 Strength and teach it to a pokemon you’ll need it.
Now time for the next badge. Fly to Krypton City
Krypton City
Not doing much here, just leave east of the city to route 17
Route 17
You’ll find a boulder that needs strength shortly after arriving here. Move it to fight
Dragon Tamer Martin
Bagon lvl 25
Dragonair lvl 27
Now we move on to the actual route
Pokemon Lvl range 24-28
Go through the building to get to route 18
Route 18
Pokemon Lvl range 25-28
Breakport City
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
3 houses
Statues of Latias and Latios
Poke mart inventory
Ultra ball $1200
Great Ball $600
Hyper potion $1200
Revive $1500
Full heal $600
Burn Heal $250
Ice Heal $250
Paralyze Heal $200
Escape Rope $550
Max Repel $700
Okay in order to get anywhere in Breakport City you need a pokemon that knows surf. What to do
Talking to the fishermen in the house below the pokemon center will get you the Good Rod.
The Gym is closed for the surfing contest, so talk to the old man you see when you first get into town and enter the surfing contest.
The surfing contest moves automatically, and after a little bit you’ll see Latios, and Latias fly by though no one else can, and the race is cancelled do to strong winds, you’ll be warped to the statues and the old man will tell you he saw Latios and Latias and tell you about them and that he saw them before. Triton (the gym leader of this town) will finally come out of hiding and tell you that he is a secret researcher of Professor Oak, and that he was given a machine to find them. He’ll see your GAIA WINGS card and tell you he’s checking to see if Latios and Latias are plate holders. Now he tells you he lost the machine and needs to find the lost HM dive, Triton will finally leave and you can go to the gym to battle him.
GYM- type water (if you couldn’t guess this you should just stop playing now)
This gym is similar to Mossdeep City’s gym as there are teleporters every, I’ll tell you the quickest route.
Take the teleporter to the right, the only teleporter here, then through the southern teleporter, and you’ll reach Triton, though for anyone who actually wants to fight the trainers in the gym here they are.
Beating him gets you the 7th badge the Deep Badge, it lets you use the HM Dive outside of battle, as well as TM18 Rain Dance.
Leave the gym to have the old man invite you to stay at his house. Your pokemon will be fully healed. In the morning Triton will tell you to talk to him so do that. He’ll show you an invisible big hole that you’ll need to go through (just press down behind the statue to enter)
Talk to Triton and he’ll say his pokedevice isn’t working (look at yours and it’ll say the same thing), he’ll move, follow and talk to him again. He’ll tell you to pick up the item, so pick it up and you’ll get the HM dive, Triton will tell you to go get the Flasher for him. So head back to Breakport the same way you came in.
Breakport City
Head south of the gym and you’ll see a part of darkened water get over it and press the c button to use Dive.
IMPORTANT do not go to the menu and use dive it will crash your game.
Pokemon Lvl range 27-34
When you see the poke ball on the ground just go to walk over it and you’ll pick up the flasher, return to the Secret Garden.
Secret Garden
You’ll see that you can go further into the garden now so go there.
Speak to Triton and he’ll ask you to go and search for Latias and Latios, turn on the flash machine (lighthouse) and then run around the forest to find them, press C when you are next to Latias (this may take some time as they run around really fast), and find out that Latios went to Breakport City to protect it and that Latias can talk. Return to Breakport City to run into an event with 2 former Aqua grunts wanting to take revenge for being kicked out of the team, you’ll fight one of them.
After you beat them you’ll bring Latios back to the Secret Garden to have Latias heal him, after she does that the two of them will leave to travel the world, you’ll be warped back to Breakport City where Triton tells you the location of the final gym Dynas City. Our next destination is Dynas City, so fly to Sybric City as it is south of it.
Sybric City
Odds are you remember this city, it’s the starting one well you’ll see Steven here so talk to him, he’ll tell you that you get to meet the 4th member of GAIA WINGS in Surfree town, you’ll notice that you haven’t been there yet and he’ll tell you its in the Flanova Region, and give you the Flanova Pass so you can use the ferry to get there. Though you can only get there from Mastric City, so go there to get to the ferry.
Mastric City
Take the ferry to Surfree town
Surfree Town
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
2 houses
Poke mart inventory
Great Ball $600
Potion $300
Antidote $100
Awakening $250
Escape Rope $550
Talk to the fishermen in the house Steven isn’t standing in front of to get the Super Rod.
Talk with Steven, and enter the house to be introduced to the fourth member of GAIA WINGS Ash. You’ll be working with ash on a mission to get a plate at Tree of Origin at Mayback Town. To get there you’ll have to go to Tesline City north of here, and take a balloon.
Sapphire Path
Pokemon Lvl range 30-39
Gystar Town
Pokemon Center
2 houses
Haunted Museum
Haunted Museum
Pokemon Lvl range 25-35
If you speak to the statue you’ll fight a lvl 30 Dusknoir.
Ruby Path
Pokemon Lvl range 28-35
Tesline City
Pokemon Center
Poke mart
3 houses
Dimensional Tower
Poke mart inventory
Ultra ball $1200
Great Ball $600
Super potion $700
Potion $300
Antidote $100
Awakening $100
Not much to do here yet, just talk to the man near the balloon and go to Mayback Town (you’ll be going to Floriva town soon).
Mayback Town
Pokemon Center
2 houses
Statue of Sir Aaron
Tree of Origins
Go north to see the Tree of Origins, and hear the legend (it’s the same one as from the Lucario and the mystery of mew though without the mew), and meet Riley who asks if he can join you so he can try to recall memory’s of Sir Aaron. Enter the Tree of Origins.
Tree of Origins
Rare Candy x2
Full Restore
Freeze Stone
Just climb the tree until you hit a room with 6 colored orbs. You’ll have to fight the regi’s here. Beat/catch Regirock, Regice, and Registeel, after beating them Regigigas appears, after beating him go through the door that appears. Approach the crystal in the back right of the room to access a cutscene where Riley awakens Lucario, Riley gets the memories of Sir Aaron, and you have to fight Edgar of Chaos 16.
Team Hunter Leader Edgar
Gardevoir lvl 45
Gallade lvl 45
After beating him you learn how Riley got his memories and Lucario gives you the Fist Plate, and a Riolu, Riley and Lucario will also fight you.
Trainer Riley
Lucario lvl 50
You then have to leave the Tree of Origins.
Mayback town
When you leave the tree you see Steven and Reynold, and you’ll give the plate to Reynold, they’ll tell you Professor Gellar told them that he wants you to test a machine that goes to a different dimension, and that it’s in Tesline City so that’s where we are heading.
Tesline City
When you get here go to the Dimensional Tower, Steven will be standing in front so speak with him, then enter the building.
Dimensional Tower
When you get in here you’ll see a Team hunter grunt, so there here for the machine, get to the top floor. The first hunter grunt on the first floor isn’t that strong
Team Hunter Grunt Maxson
Kadabra lvl 42
Bronzor lvl 43
There’s lots of hunter grunt on the next floor (though you don’t have to fight any of them) here they are
Team Hunter Grunt Lindsay
Luxray lvl 44
Team hunter grunt Jolina
Manectric lvl 43
Lanturn lvl 43
Team hunter grunt Nicklay
Abomasnow lvl 45
The next floor holds a lone grunt
Team Hunter Grunt Cinday
Weavile lvl 42
Torkoal lvl 42
After her it’s up to the top floor where you’ll see a member of Chaos 16 go into the machine you’re supposed to test, to go get Giratina, talk to Professor Gellar to go to the reverse dimension
Reverse Dimension
Here you just gotta go through any door but the bottom one 11 times and you’ll be brought to Giratina (I generally go through the left entrance and then just go back and forth between the doors)
Pokemon Lvl range 34-37
Once you locate Giratina it’ll run away and Virgil will introduce himself to you and then leave to chase Giratina. You then have to leave so just go through any entrance and then go through the southern exit, and make your way back to the teleporter.
Dimensional Tower
When you get here you’ll be told Giratina is heading to Floriva town and are told to stop it, so leave the building and head to the balloon and go to Floriva.
Floriva town
Pokemon Center
2 houses
Poke mart
Poke mart inventory
Poke ball $200
Great Ball $600
Potion $300
Antidote $100
Awakening $100
Escape Rope $550
When you get here the town will be on fire, just go north.
Floriva Garden
Surf to the back patch of land to see it run away again, you’ll then be told to help put out the fire, so go back to town.
Floriva Town
When you get back there will be a flash then the fire goes out magically. Go to the southern most house and talk to the girl outside of it, next to Shaymin, She’ll introduce herself as Laura, and you’ll find out that Shaymin is a plate holder, you’ll ask her for the plate but she thinks you Chaos 16, you’ll show here your GAIA card and she’ll go to the garden. Go follow her.
Floriva Garden
This time surf to the middle, to find out that Laura is really Isaac a Chaos 16 member in disguise. You’ll also find out that they kidnapped the real Laura, and Isaac tells you where they are keeping her, (that’s nice of him), you’ll then have to fight him.
Team Hunter Leader Isaac
Mr. Mime lvl 55
Jynx lvl 55
After you beat him talk to Shaymin to battle for its plate. Once you beat it you realize it is a fake and have to go rescue Laura.
Important once you beat Shaymin fly back to town (if you can’t fly back to town, fly back to Tesline town and take the balloon) the script at the bottom of the stairs is broken and will rerun the event of battling Isaac endlessly. This will be fixed in Raptor EX.
Floriva Town
The grunt is now gone so enter the house to find Laura and get the Meadow plate, when you leave the house Reynold will take the meadow plate from you, and they give you clearance to go to the last gym. For a shortcut fly to Surfree town, and take the ferry back to Daystraits Port. Then fly to Sybric town
Sybric Town
Head north to route 21
Route 21 (all of the route)
Pokemon Lvl range 2-5
Water lvl range 22-24
All you need to do here is to dive underwater.
Underwater (route 21)
just go up to the arrows and use dive when you get past them.
Route 21
Go into the cave
Cave of Destiny
Pokemon Lvl range 36-43
Dynas City
Pokemon Center
4 houses
Pokemon Gym
Poke mart
Key item- Climbing Rope
When you first arrive you’ll get a message on your pokedevice from Professor Gellar, who tells you Giratina is heading to the city, as well as 2 more pokemon from other dimensions Palkia and Dialga. Explore the town a little and you’ll see team hunter everywhere though there is a normal citizen, talk with her to get the Climbing Rope. You now have to return to the Cave of Destiny
Cave of Destiny
Go to the strange looking rocks on the wall and use the rope to climb them, go to the hole in the wall to have yet another call on your pokedevice. It’s from Professor Gellar who tells you to go to the Peak of Destiny located at the top of the Cave of Destiny, enter the hole to meet Darkrai, who will tell you he will protect the city.
Here you’ll see someone who looks like the member of chaos 16 that took the Raptor Ball earlier approach him to find out he is the master of Palkia and Dialga. You’ll then battle him in a double battle.
Mystery Trainer ???
Palkia lvl 55
Dialga lvl 55
After you beat him you’ll wake up in the pokemon center, and find out that you’ve been asleep for 3 days, you’ll then decide with Steven to go back up to the Peak of Destiny
Cave of Destiny
Go back to where you saw Darkrai, and use the Climbing rope to get to the Peak of Destiny
Peak Of Destiny
Up here you’ll see Virgil and Giratina who will summon Palkia and Dialga, who will then try to fight Giratina, though you’ll swoop in and battle him instead.
After you beat him Darkrai will appear again and through you into another dream.
Go into the cave to see Giratina who will bring you back to the Peak of destiny.
Peak of Destiny
Giratina will send Palkia and Dialga back to there dimensions, and then will bring you to there dimensions as well.
Alternate Dimension
Giratina will want to test your strength here, so fight him, after you beat it two portals appear the left is the Gate of Time with Dialga and the one to the right is the Gate of Space with Palkia, you will pick one to fight while Steven will fight the other (They will both run away so it doesn’t really matter).
Dimension of Time/Dimension of Space
Approach Dialga/Palkia and it will run, Darkrai will come and teleport you away telling you to let him handle it. You’ll then be brought back to the Peak of Destiny, and get told to finally fight the gym.
Dynas City
Team Hunter is gone now though the houses aren’t that interesting so just head to the gym.
Pokemon Gym- type Psychic.
This gym uses a strange teleportation system where you have points.
1rst room
Go around to the gym without teleporting until you find the 2 point owners and get there points. Now use any teleporter, to get to the middle land piece. You can just advance to the next room, by using the teleporter to the north, though here are the trainers in the first room.
Psychic Bond
Ralts lvl 48
Kirlia lvl 50
Psychic Roger
Abra lvl 48
Kadabra lvl 50
2nd room
In the second room talk to the point owner and go north you’ll then have the required fight of
Psychic Momoru
Lunatone lvl 48
Solrock lvl 48
Then talk to the point giver here and go north again to get to the 3rd room.
Here are the remaining trainer in the second room
Psychic Amber
Spoink lvl 45
Grumpig lvl 48
Psychic Jerry
Drowzee lvl 47
Hypno lvl 48
3rd room
Talk to the point giver and take the ice on the right to get to the leader without any more battles
Here are the two trainers that were on the left side
Beat him and instead of getting your 8th badge you find out you were hypnotized and that everything you just did, didn’t count and that you’ll have to fight the real Lucas later.
When you get out you’re told you need to collect the rest of the plates before Team Hunter does so you now need to go to Professor Oak’s lab in Tropicia Town.
Tropicia Town
Go to Professor Oak’s lab and talk to Oak to be introduced to the secret member of GAIA WINGS Lance who has gone undercover in Chaos 16 in order to get information on the plates. Lance will come in and say he got the Draco plate from Lugia and gives the plate to Reynold. Lance will then tell you about Chaos 16 and Team Hunter, and tell you that he stole a disc with the location of all other plate holders. Reynold then has to leave, and everyone wishes him goodbye.
Location Unknown
(You don’t do anything here but it’s important to the plot so I’ve included it)
Here we see Reynold and a Team Hunter grunt contacts him on his pokedevice telling him that they got the locations of all other plate holders, and then refers to Reynold as your majesty, you know see Articuno holder of the Icicle plate, Moltes holder of the Flame plate, Zapdos holder of the Zap plate, Heatran holder of the Iron plate, Yanmega holder of the Insect plate, Drapion holder of the Toxic plate, and Rhyperior holder of the Stone plate. A grunt will enter the room and tell Reynold that they have obtained the Mind plate and the Dread Plate as well. Reynold now says that he is the founder of Chaos 16 and created it to rule the universe.
Tropicia Town
Lance gets a call right before you leave to get the plates and everyone finds out that Reynold has betrayed you. You then get told everyone will show up at Raptor Shrine to witness the awakening of Arceus, and learn about the Raptor Ritual. Though before you go to battle them you must go to the Chrono Chamber the secret base of GAIA WINGS were time moves more slowly (10 hours to 1 minute to be exact), for training. In order to get to Chrono Camber you must get to Rainbow Peak, so there’s our next destination.
Rainbow Peak
Go to the part were you fought Ho-oh and Ash will make the staircase to the Chrono Chamber appear, go up the stairs.
Chrono Chamber outside
This is the location of the highest lvl pokemon for you to train at.
Pokemon Lvl range 48-51
Pokemon Center
Poke mart (Auto-Vender)
Poke mart inventory
Ultra ball $1200
Great Ball $600
Max potion $2500
Revive $1500
Full Restore $3000
Full heal $600
Max Repel $700
This may remind you of the Elite 4 well it’s like them you’ll have to fight all the other members of GAIA WINGS and beat them all to advance, train outside if you need too but otherwise talk to Oak from the front (talking to him from the right side freezes the game as he try to walk there but can’t) to start the challenge.
After you beat him you are declared the best trainer in the world (even though you only have 7 badges), and you are told you have to go to the Peak of Destiny.
Peak of Destiny
Here you’ll see Lucas who will challenge you to a battle; in which if you beat him you get a badge.
After beating him you get your 8th badge the Dream Badge, he tells you it lets you use strength though you already have that power, and TM 29 Psychic. Heal up and then talk to Lance.
Raptor Shrine
Here you’ll see the GAIA WINGS members as well as all 8 gym leaders, and you’ll hear Oak asked the gym leaders of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and even Sinnoh to come help. In order to get to the ceremony you have to beat the 15 other members of Chaos 16 (Lance was one of the 16) though you don’t have to worry about them, as you and ash will proceed to the main room and everyone else will take care of Chaos 16, you’ll be asked to save Reynold and give the master ball, and told to use it if needed.
Pokemon lvl range 40-47
Enter the Pyramid, and skip the first room as there are 16 rooms that the gym leaders are taking care of. In the second room you will see 3 Royal Knights blocking your path, Gary and Blue will come and Ash, Gary, and Blue will fight them as you continue. Unfortunately the next room has 3 more Royal Knights, luckily Gold, Silver, and Crystal come to fight them letting you move on to the next room. You can probably guess what’s in the next room 3 more Royal Knights, just like in the other 2 rooms people will come this time Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald come to fight them so you can continue. The next room has Darkrai on the left and Cresselia on the right, you get to pick one to fight and the statue blocking the stairs will disappear as well as the other one so pick one and fight.
On the next floor if you talk to the strange machine you can heal your pokemon team. Now you get to fight Palkia and Dialga the left goes to Dialga and the right goes to Palkia, again you can only pick one (you’ll get a chance to get the other after this event).
After you beat Dialga/Palkia you’ll enter Reynolds room, he’ll tell you that he is the leader of Chaos 16 and that he thought it would be Ash who would be here, he’ll tell you that his goal is to use Arceus to destroy the world and reform it how he wants it to be. Reynold will heal your pokemon and then battle you
Beat him and he will open a secret door and run away, follow him. On the way out you’ll find another healing machine. After you heal up head outside to see Reynold awaken Arceus and watch his precious Raptor ball fail. Talk to Reynold to tell him your going to fight Arceus and then you’ll battle it (The master ball still catches it perfectly so much for the Raptor ball being better). After you beat it, the place will fall apart and Reynold will teleport you out using his pokemon (though none of them can learn it) leaving himself to die. Outside the shrine Oak and Lance will tell you everyone else is gone and bring you back to Sybric City. The Credits will then roll.
You’ve reached the end of the story.
Though there is more, you can fight GAIA WINGS again so fly back to Rainbow Peak. At the bottom of the stairs to the Chrono Chamber will be Palkia/Dialga (the one you didn’t fight and you get your shot to catch it).