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标题: [讨论] 外国达人已破解部分DP ROM信息,大幅修改DP成为可能! [打印本页]

作者: 王道    时间: 2008-3-29 12:54     标题: 外国达人已破解部分DP ROM信息,大幅修改DP成为可能!

Basic DP Hex editing
Since Pokespam are releasing some programs now, I figure I'd write up a little guide on hex editing some simple things in Pokemon Diamond(Pointers may differ slightly in Pearl). Also, for lists of items/pokemon/attacks look at the bottom of the post.
All those are in an reversed state, and to use them in a hex editor, you'll need to reverse the values. That might sound complicated but it isn't. Here's a few examples, that might help explain it.
5 > 00 05 > reversed > 05 00
B11F > B1 1F > reversed > 1F B1
162 > 01 62 > reversed 62 01
See, simple.
Also, If you already know how to do basic hex editing in GBA, you'll be able to do this easily.

Evolutions Editing
Here's some data on editing the types of evolution. The pointer to the data is found at 0x1C1BFDA. As far as I know, there are 26 different forms of evolution. I'll be explaining all of them.
The basic set up the pokemons evolution is this:
[Type of Evolution (2 bytes)] [Item/Level/Attack/Pokemon] [Pokemon to evolve to]
For each pokemon, there is enough space to include 7 different evolutions for the Certain Pokemon.
Since I'm explaining the types from "0100" to "1A00" I'll start at "0100".

The "0100" evolution is A normal Happiness evolution. In a hex editor go to the pointer 0x1C1C714.
You'll be brought up with this.
01 00 00 00 A9 00 ' Happiness Evolution ; 0000 ; Evolve to Crobat
This is the evolution from Golbat to Crobat.
All that needs to be edited with this is the final two bytes. Which if you refer to my explanation earlier, you'll see the pokemon to evolve to.

Now I'll do the "0200" and the "0300" together. These are Happiness at day, and happiness at night respectively. The best example for these are the Eevee evolutions. Go to 0x1C1D6D6 and you'll see this.
02 00 00 00 C4 00 03 00 00 00 C5 00
I'll seperate these into happiness at day and night respectively.
02 00 00 00 C4 00 ' Happiness at Day Evolution ; 0000 ; Evolve to Espeon
03 00 00 00 C5 00 ' Happiness at Night Evolution ; 0000 ; Evolve to Umbreon
This is similiar to the Happiness evolution of "0100" and you just need to change the last two bytes.

"0400" Evolution is a normal Evolution. Look at the pointer 0x1C1C008.
04 00 10 00 02 00 'Level Up Evolution ; Level to evolve at (16) ; Evolve to Ivysaur
This is the most common evolution stored in the game. To use this you'll need to change the 'Level to evolve at' and the 'Pokemon to evolve to'

"0500" is the evolution through trade. An example can be found at the pointer 0x1C1CADC. You'll see this.
05 00 00 00 41 00 'Trade Evolution ; 0000 ; Evolve to Alakasam
Do I need to explain these anymore. I think you should get the idea now. How about I just show examples, and give a pointer to you for each of them.

Type: 0600, Trade with Item Evolution
Pointer: 0x1C1CA5E
Example: 16 00 DD 00 BA 00 'Trade with Item ; Item (Kings Rock) ; Politoed

Type: 0700, Evolve with Item
Pointer: 0x1C1D6C4
Example: 07 00 53 00 87 00 'Item Evo. ; Item (Thunderstone) ; Jolteon

Type: 0800, Attack>Defense
Pointer: 0x1C1E872
Example: 08 00 14 00 6A 00 'Attack>Defense ; Level (20) ; Hitmonlee

Type: 0900, Attack=Defense
Pointer: 0x1C1E878
Example:09 00 14 00 ED 00 'Attack=Defense ; Level (20) ; Hitmontop

Type: 0A00, Attack<Defense
Pointer: 0x1C1E86C
Example: 0a 00 14 00 6B 00 'Attack<Defense ; Level (20) ; Hitmonchan

Type: 0B00, Personality Value < or = to 4
Pointer: 0x1C1ED68
Example: 0B 00 07 00 0A 01 'Personality Value <= 4 ; Level (7) ; Silcoon

Type: 0C00, Personality Value > or = to 5
Pointer: 0x1C1ED6E
Example: 0C 00 07 00 0C 01 'Personality Value >= 5 ; Level (7) ; Cascoon

Type: 0D00, Special Lvl Evo, goes with 0E00
Pointer: 0x1C1F1B4
Example: 0D 00 14 00 23 01 'Special Lvl Evo ; Level (20) ; Ninjask

Type: 0E00, If spare spot in Party, Poke appears
Pointer: 0x1C1F1BA
Example: 0E 00 14 00 24 01 'If party <=5 ; Level (20); Shedinja

Type: 0F00, Max Beauty
Pointer: 0x1C1FBD8
Example: 0F 00 AA 00 5E 01 'Max Personality ; Beauty ; Miltic
Note: This evolution is just speculation as Feebas>Milotic is the only evolution that uses it. So there is nothing to compare it to.

Type: 1000, Item and Male
Pointer: 0x1C1F02E
Example: 10 00 6D 00 6B 01 'Item and male ; Item (Dawn Stone) ; Gallade

Type: 1100, Item and Female
Pointer: 0x1C1FDEE
Example: 11 00 6D 00 DE 01 'Item and Female ; Item (Dawn Stone) ; Froslass

Type: 1200, Level up holding item at day
Pointer: 0x1C20B7C
Example: 12 00 6E 00 71 00 'Level Holding item at day ; Item (Oval Stone) ; Chansey

Type: 1300, Level up holding item at night
Pointer: 0x1C1E370
Example: 13 00 46 01 CD 01 'Level Holding item at night ; Item (Razor Claw) ; Weavile

Type: 1400, Level up with attack
Pointer: 0x1C1D26C
Example: 14 00 CD 00 CF 01 'Level up with Attack ; Attack (Rollout) ; Lickilicky

Type: 1500, Level up with Pokemon in Party
Pointer: 0x1C20E94
Example: 15 00 DF 00 E2 00 'Level up with Pokemon in Party ; Pokemon (Remoraid) ; Mantine

Type: 1600, Level up Male
Pointer: 0x1C206B2
Example: 16 00 14 00 9E 01 'Level Up male ; Level (20) ; Mothim

Type: 1700, Level Up Female
Pointer: 0x1C206AC
Example: 17 00 14 00 9D 01 'Level Up female ; Level (20) ; Wormadam

Type: 1800, Level Up at Mt. Coronet
Pointer: 0x1C1CDF4
Example: 18 00 00 00 CE 01 'Level at Mt. Coronet ; 0000 ; Magnezone

Type: 1900, Level Up at Eterna Forest
Pointer: 0x1C1D6B8
Example: 19 00 00 00 D6 01 ' Level Up at Eterna Forest ; 0000 ; Leafeon

Type: 1A00, Level Up at Route 217
Pointer: 0x1C1D6BE
Example: 1A 00 00 00 D7 01 'Level Up at Route 217 ; 0000 ; Glaceon

Moveset Editing
With this, I'm going to use Lucario's Moveset to explain. To see Lucario's Moveset go to the pointer 0x1C26B0C.
You should see this.
8F 03 62 02 C1 02 C5 02 E8 02 44 0C 8B 17 6C 1F C6 26 3F 31 7E 3B 0E 42 8C 4B 72 55 96 5F F5 66
That was a long line. Looks like 'gibberish' dosen't it?
I'm going to do something to these first 2 bytes. Look at this.
8F 03
Still not totally clear but maybe a little easier.
I'm going to sepearate this, to make it look "easier".
8F 01 00 02
Let's look at this.
We now have 8F01 and 0002
So what we now have is the attack Dark Pulse and "0x2". This "0x2" is actually the level that it learns the attack. Except there's one problem, Lucario has Dark Pulse at Level 1. The solution is Simple, divide it by two.
Now let's try the last 2 bytes of that line, and see what we get.
F5 00 00 66
F5 00 = Extremspeed ; 0x66 (We have to change it to a decimal value before halving it, so we get 102)
Let's check this on the internet. Go to bulbapedia or serebii and check for Lucario's attack list.
Lucario learns Extremespeed at level 51.

Here's the whole moveset "decoded"

8F03        03=3                Level 1                Dark pulse
6202        02=2                Level 1                Quick Attack
C102        02=2                Level 1                Foresight
C502        02=2                Level 1                Detect
E802        02=2                Level 1                Metal Claw
440C        0C=12                Level 6                Counter
8B17        17=23                Level 11                Force Palm
6C1F        1F=31                Level 15                Feint
C626        26=38                Level 19                Bone Rush
3F31        31=49                Level 24                Metal Sound
7E3B        3B=59                Level 29                Me First       
0E42        42=66                Level 33                Swords Dance
8C4B        4B=75                Level 37                Aura Sphere
7255        55=85                Level 42                Close Combat
965F        5F=95                Level 47                Dragon Pulse
F566        66=102                Level 51                ExtremespeedNOTE: The beginning of the moveset data is at 0x1C237DE. This is the ????? Pokemon's attacks.

TM/HM Table
Go to the pointer 0xFC4EC. You should see this.
08 01 51 01 60 01 5B 01 2E 00 5C 00 02 01 53 01 4B 01 ED 00 ...etc.
What's all this mean? It's the attacks contained within each TM/HM. It's ordered down from TM 1 through to HM 8.
But How do we edit this? Let's take the attack table at the bottom of the post and look at the hex again.
We now have:
Focus Punch, Dragon Claw, Water Pulse, Calm Mind, Roar, etc.
All you need to do is edit which attack is in which spot. It's one of the easier things to do.

Sinnoh Pokedex Order
Go to the pointer 0x37B0020. You'll come up with this:
83 01 84 01 85 01 86 01 87 01 88 01 89 01 8A 01 8B 01 8C 01 8D 01 8E 01 8F 01 90 01 91 01 92 01 93 01 94 01 95 01 3F 00 40 00 41 00 81 00 82 00 96 01... etc.
That's enough of, you can look at it yourself, if you want to. We're going to need the list in at the bottom for this. These are the Pokemon. In there order.
Turtwig, Grottle, Torterra, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Starly, Staravia, Staraptor, Bidoof, Bibarel, Kricketot, Kricketune, Shinx, Luxio, Luxray, Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Magikarp, Gyarados, Budew, etc.
Easily editable. You can have fun with this.

Base Stats
I've going to use Bulbasaur's stats here. These are found at 0x1C15A08.You'll see this.
2D 31 31 2D 41 41 0C 03 2D 40 00 01 00 00 00 00 1D 14 46 03 01 07 41 00 00 03 00 00 20 07 35 84 08 1E 10 02 20 24 66 92 02 00 00 00
Here's just a brief explanation of these.

2D - HP
31 - Attack
31 - Defense
2D - Speed
41 - Special Attack
41 - Special Defense
0C - Type 1
03 - Type 2
2D - Catch Rate
40 - Base XP
00 - Effort Yield1
01 - Effort Yield2
0000 - Item 1
0000 - Item 2
1D - Gender Chance
14 - Steps for Egg to hatch
46 - Base Happiness?
03 - Experience Type
01 - Egg Type 1
07 - Egg Type 2
41 - Special Ability 1
00 - Special Ability 2
00 - Safari Run Chance
03 - Colour
00 - Padding
00 - Padding
20 - TM Switches 1-8
07 - TM Switches 9-16
35 - TM Switches 17-24
84 - TM Switches 25-32
08 - TM Switches 33-40
1E - TM Switches 41-48
10 - TM Switches 49-56
02 - TM Switches 57-64
20 - TM Switches 65-72
24 - TM Switches 73-80
66 - TM Switches 81-88
92 - TM Switches 89-92 / HM 1-4
02 - HM 5-8
00 - Padding
00 - Padding
00 - PaddingType Weakness/Strength Chart
I guess I'll start with this, the values for the different types.

00 = Normal
01 = Fighting
02 = Flying
03 = Poison
04 = Ground
05 = Rock
06 = Bug
07 = Ghost
08 = Steel
09 = ???
0A = Fire
0B = Water
0C = Grass
0D = Electric
0E = Psychic
0F = Ice
10 = Dragon
11 = DarkNow look at the pointer 0x1DE1B8. You should have this.
00 05 05 00 08 05 0A 0A 05 0A 0B 05 0A 0C 14 ...etc
I'm just going to use the first three bytes. When referring to the above table, what do these first 3 bytes mean?
00 - Normal
05 - Rock
05 - Rock???
The third value isn't Rock type.
The first byte was the type of an attack. The second byte is the type of the Pokemon being attacked, and the third is how much the damage is multiplied by.
So if I were to explain these three bytes, in the English Language it would be this.
When a Normal attack hits a Rock Pokemon, the damage is halved.

So let's use another example. Let's use the Fire attacks Ice.
0A 0F 14
What's 14 mean? 14 in decimal, is 20, which is of course double the damage.
If we wanted to, we could change this to anything from 0 (No damage) to FF (Damage times 26), which would of course be unstoppable against a type.

I'll use the first gym leader, as an example here. Go to 0x1C2F854. You'll see this.
3200 0C00 4A00 BE01 5800 0000 0000
3200 0C00 5F00 BE01 5800 6700 0000
3200 0E00 9801 1D00 E400 2B00 0000
What's this mean? Well, here's the layout explained. I'll just use the first row.
3200 - First byte. Don't Touch.
0C00 - The level of the Pokemon
4A00 - The Pokemon
BE01 - Attack 1
5800 - Attack 2
0000 - Attack 3
0000 - Attack 4

So if we were to 'decode' those three lines of hex, we would get this.

Level;Pokemon        Attacks
Level 12 Geodude                Stealth Rock; Rock Throw; No Attack; No Attack
Level 12 Onix                Stealth Rock; Rock Throw; Screech; No Attack
Level 14 Craniados                Headbutt; Pursuit; Leer; No Attack; No AttackLet's also use another battle, just for fun. We'll use the battle with your Rival.
The pointer is at 0x and here's what you see.

< 1E00 > < 0700 > < 8C01 > < 6200 > < 2D00 > < 0000 > < 0000 >
< 1E00 > < 0900 > < 8301 > < 2100 > < 6E00 > < 0000 > < 0000 >
< 1E00 > < 0700 > < 8C01 > < 6200 > < 2D00 > < 0000 > < 0000 >
< 1E00 > < 0900 > < 8601 > < 0A00 > < 2B00 > < 0000 > < 0000 >
< 1E00 > < 0700 > < 8C01 > < 6200 > < 2D00 > < 0000 > < 0000 >
< 1E00 > < 0900 > < 8901 > < 0100 > < 2D00 > < 0000 > < 0000 >

Look, there's three seperate trainerbattles. All the different Rival Pokemon. Might as well 'decode' it.

Battle 1
Level; Pokemon                Attacks
Level 7 Starly                Quick Attack; Growl; No Attack; No Attack
Level 9 Turtwig                Tackle; Withdraw; No Attack; No Attack

Battle 2
Level 7 Starly                Quick Attack; Growl; No Attack; No Attack
Level 9 Chimchar                Scratch; Leer; No Attack; No Attack

Battle 3
Level 7 Starly                Quick Attack; Growl; No Attack; No Attack
Level 9 Piplup                Pound; Growl; No Attack; No AttackAttack Data
I'll explain this similiarly to the way I did the Pokemon Stats. Go to the pointer 0x1D6E95C. You'll see this. This is the data for Fire Punch.
04 00 00 4B 0A 64 0F 0A 00 00 00 13 11 01 00 00
Like the stats, there's more bytes, and I can't solve some of them.
作者: 王道    时间: 2008-3-29 12:55

04 - Effect (Hit + Possible Burn)
00 - ??
00 - ??
4B - Power (75)
0A - Type (Fire)
64 - Accuracy (100)
0F - PP (15)
0A - Chance of Effect (10%)
00 - Target (One Opponent)
00 - Move's Speed (For Quick Attack, and Extremespeed)
00 - ??
13 - Contact
11 - ??
01 - ??
00 - ??
00 - ??Starters
Probably the easiest possible thing to do. Go to 0x2B918A. You'll see this.
83 01 00 00 86 01 00 00 89 01 00 00
Pretty obvious. 83 01 is obviously Turtwig, 86 01 is obviously Chimchar, and 89 01 is of course Piplup. All you need to do is change the two bytes depending on which starter you change.

Well, that's about all that's needed. That's enough for now...
Before I go, here's the list of Attacks.


Display spoiler
001 Pound
002 Karate Chop
003 DoubleSlap
004 Comet Punch
005 Mega Punch
006 Pay Day
007 Fire Punch
008 Ice Punch
009 ThunderPunch
00A Scratch
00B ViceGrip
00C Guillotine
00D Razor Wind
00E Swords Dance
00F Cut
010 Gust
011 Wing Attack
012 Whirlwind
013 Fly
014 Bind
015 Slam
016 Vine Whip
017 Stomp
018 Double Kick
019 Mega Kick
01A Jump Kick
01B Rolling Kick
01C Sand-Attack
01D Headbutt
01E Horn Attack
01F Fury Attack
020 Horn Drill
021 Tackle
022 Body Slam
023 Wrap
024 Take Down
025 Thrash
026 Double-Edge
027 Tail Whip
028 Poison Sting
029 Twineedle
02A Pin Missile
02B Leer
02C Bite
02D Growl
02E Roar
02F Sing
030 Supersonic
031 SonicBoom
032 Disable
033 Acid
034 Ember
035 Flamethrower
036 Mist
037 Water Gun
038 Hydro Pump
039 Surf
03A Ice Beam
03B Blizzard
03C Psybeam
03D BubbleBeam
03E Aurora Beam
03F Hyper Beam
040 Peck
041 Drill Peck
042 Submission
043 Low Kick
044 Counter
045 Seismic Toss
046 Strength
047 Absorb
048 Mega Drain
049 Leech Seed
04A Growth
04B Razor Leaf
04C SolarBeam
04D PoisonPowder
04E Stun Spore
04F Sleep Powder
050 Petal Dance
051 String Shot
052 Dragon Rage
053 Fire Spin
054 ThunderShock
055 Thunderbolt
056 Thunder Wave
057 Thunder
058 Rock Throw
059 Earthquake
05A Fissure
05B Dig
05C Toxic
05D Confusion
05E Psychic
05F Hypnosis
060 Meditate
061 Agility
062 Quick Attack
063 Rage
064 Teleport
065 Night Shade
066 Mimic
067 Screech
068 Double Team
069 Recover
06A Harden
06B Minimize
06C SmokeScreen
06D Confuse Ray
06E Withdraw
06F Defense Curl
070 Barrier
071 Light Screen
072 Haze
073 Reflect
074 Focus Energy
075 Bide
076 Metronome
077 Mirror Move
078 Selfdestruct
079 Egg Bomb
07A Lick
07B Smog
07C Sludge
07D Bone Club
07E Fire Blast
07F Waterfall
080 Clamp
081 Swift
082 Skull Bash
083 Spike Cannon
084 Constrict
085 Amnesia
086 Kinesis
087 Softboiled
088 Hi Jump Kick
089 Glare
08A Dream Eater
08B Poison Gas
08C Barrage
08D Leech Life
08E Lovely Kiss
08F Sky Attack
090 Transform
091 Bubble
092 Dizzy Punch
093 Spore
094 Flash
095 Psywave
096 Splash
097 Acid Armor
098 Crabhammer
099 Explosion
09A Fury Swipes
09B Bonemerang
09C Rest
09D Rock Slide
09E Hyper Fang
09F Sharpen
0A0 Conversion
0A1 Tri Attack
0A2 Super Fang
0A3 Slash
0A4 Substitute
0A5 Struggle
0A6 Sketch
0A7 Triple Kick
0A8 Thief
0A9 Spider Web
0AA Mind Reader
0AB Nightmare
0AC Flame Wheel
0AD Snore
0AE Curse
0AF Flail
0B0 Conversion 2
0B1 Aeroblast
0B2 Cotton Spore
0B3 Reversal
0B4 Spite
0B5 Powder Snow
0B6 Protect
0B7 Mach Punch
0B8 Scary Face
0B9 Faint Attack
0BA Sweet Kiss
0BB Belly Drum
0BC Sludge Bomb
0BD Mud-Slap
0BE Octazooka
0BF Spikes
0C0 Zap Cannon
0C1 Foresight
0C2 Destiny Bond
0C3 Perish Song
0C4 Icy Wind
0C5 Detect
0C6 Bone Rush
0C7 Lock-On
0C8 Outrage
0C9 Sandstorm
0CA Giga Drain
0CB Endure
0CC Charm
0CD Rollout
0CE False Swipe
0CF Swagger
0D0 Milk Drink
0D1 Spark
0D2 Fury Cutter
0D3 Steel Wing
0D4 Mean Look
0D5 Attract
0D6 Sleep Talk
0D7 Heal Bell
0D8 Return
0D9 Present
0DA Frustration
0DB Safeguard
0DC Pain Split
0DD Sacred Fire
0DE Magnitude
0DF DynamicPunch
0E0 Megahorn
0E1 DragonBreath
0E2 Baton Pass
0E3 Encore
0E4 Pursuit
0E5 Rapid Spin
0E6 Sweet Scent
0E7 Iron Tail
0E8 Metal Claw
0E9 Vital Throw
0EA Morning Sun
0EB Synthesis
0EC Moonlight
0ED Hidden Power
0EE Cross Chop
0EF Twister
0F0 Rain Dance
0F1 Sunny Day
0F2 Crunch
0F3 Mirror Coat
0F4 Psych Up
0F5 ExtremeSpeed
0F6 AncientPower
0F7 Shadow Ball
0F8 Future Sight
0F9 Rock Smash
0FA Whirlpool
0FB Beat Up
0FC Fake Out
0FD Uproar
0FE Stockpile
0FF Spit Up
100 Swallow
101 Heat Wave
102 Hail
103 Torment
104 Flatter
105 Will-O-Wisp
106 Memento
107 Facade
108 Focus Punch
109 SmellingSalt
10A Follow Me
10B Nature Power
10C Charge
10D Taunt
10E Helping Hand
10F Trick
110 Role Play
111 Wish
112 Assist
113 Ingrain
114 Superpower
115 Magic Coat
116 Recycle
117 Revenge
118 Brick Break
119 Yawn
11A Knock Off
11B Endeavor
11C Eruption
11D Skill Swap
11E Imprison
11F Refresh
120 Grudge
121 Snatch
122 Secret Power
123 Dive
124 Arm Thrust
125 Camouflage
126 Tail Glow
127 Luster Purge
128 Mist Ball
129 FeatherDance
12A Teeter Dance
12B Blaze Kick
12C Mud Sport
12D Ice Ball
12E Needle Arm
12F Slack Off
130 Hyper Voice
131 Poison Fang
132 Crush Claw
133 Blast Burn
134 Hydro Cannon
135 Meteor Mash
136 Astonish
137 Weather Ball
138 Aromatherapy
139 Fake Tears
13A Air Cutter
13B Overheat
13C Odor Sleuth
13D Rock Tomb
13E Silver Wind
13F Metal Sound
140 GrassWhistle
141 Tickle
142 Cosmic Power
143 Water Spout
144 Signal Beam
145 Shadow Punch
146 Extrasensory
147 Sky Uppercut
148 Sand Tomb
149 Sheer Cold
14A Muddy Water
14B Bullet Seed
14C Aerial Ace
14D Icicle Spear
14E Iron Defense
14F Block
150 Howl
151 Dragon Claw
152 Frenzy Plant
153 Bulk Up
154 Bounce
155 Mud Shot
156 Poison Tail
157 Covet
158 Volt Tackle
159 Magical Leaf
15A Water Sport
15B Calm Mind
15C Leaf Blade
15D Dragon Dance
15E Rock Blast
15F Shock Wave
160 Water Pulse
161 Doom Desire
162 ???
163 Roost
164 Gravity
165 Miracle Eye
166 Wake Up Slap
167 Hammer Arm
168 Gyro Ball
169 Healing Wish
16A Brine
16B Natural Gift
16C Feint
16D Pluck
16E Tail Wind
16F Acupressure
170 Metal Burst
171 U-Turn
172 Close Combat
173 Payback
174 Assurance
175 Embargo
176 Fling
177 Psycho Shift
178 Trump Card
179 Heal Block
17A Wring Out
17B Power Trick
17C Gastro Acid
17D Lucky Chant
17E Me First
17F Copycat
180 Power Swap
181 Guard Swap
182 Punishment
183 Last Resort
184 Worry Seed
185 Shadow Claw
186 Toxic Spikes
187 Heart Swap
188 Aqua Ring
189 Magnet Rise
18A Flare Blitz
18B Force Palm
18C Aura sphere
18D Rock Polish
18E Poison Jab
18F Dark Pulse
190 Night Slash
191 Aqua Tail
192 Seedbomb
193 Air Slash
194 X-Scissor
195 Bug Buzz
196 Dragon Pulse
197 Dragon Rush
198 Power Gem
199 Drain Punch
19A Vacuum Wave
19B Focus Blast
19C Energy Ball
19D Brave Bird
19E Earth Power
19F Switcheroo
1A0 Giga Impact
1A1 Nasty Plot
1A2 Bullet Punch
1A3 Avalanche
1A4 Ice Shard
1A5 Shadow Claw
1A6 Thunder Fang
1A7 Ice Fang
1A8 Fire Fang
1A9 Shadow Sneak
1AA Mud Bomb
1AB Psycho Cut
1AC Zen Headbutt
1AD Mirror Shot
1AE Flash Cannon
1AF Rock Climb
1B0 Defog
1B1 Trick Room
1B2 Draco Meteor
1B3 Discharge
1B4 Lava Plume
1B5 Leaf Storm
1B6 Power Whip
1B7 Rock Wrecker
1B8 Cross Poison
1B9 Gunk Shot
1BA Iron Head
1BB Magnet Bomb
1BC Stone Edge
1BD Captivate
1BE Stealth Rock
1BF Grass Knot
1C0 Chatter
1C1 Judgement
1C2 Bug Bite
1C3 Charge Beam
1C4 Wood Hammer
1C5 Aqua Jet
1C6 Attack Order
1C7 Defend Order
1C8 Heal Order
1C9 Head Smash
1CA Double Hit
1CB Roar of Time
1CC Special Rend
1CD Lunar Dance
1CE Crush Grip
1CF Magma Storm
1D0 Dark Void
1D1 Seed Flare
1D2 Ominous Wind
1D3 Shadow Force

Pokemon(Thanks Darthatron)


Display spoiler
0000 ??????????
0001 Bulbasaur
0002 Ivysaur
0003 Venusaur
0004 Charmander
0005 Charmeleon
0006 Charizard
0007 Squirtle
0008 Wartortle
0009 Blastoise
000A Caterpie
000B Metapod
000C Butterfree
000D Weedle
000E Kakuna
000F Beedrill
0010 Pidgey
0011 Pidgeotto
0012 Pidgeot
0013 Rattata
0014 Raticate
0015 Spearow
0016 Fearow
0017 Ekans
0018 Arbok
0019 Pikachu
001A Raichu
001B Sandshrew
001C Sandslash
001D Nidoran-F
001E Nidorina
001F Nidoqueen
0020 Nidoran-M
0021 Nidorino
0022 Nidoking
0023 Clefairy
0024 Clefable
0025 Vulpix
0026 Ninetales
0027 Jigglypuff
0028 Wigglytuff
0029 Zubat
002A Golbat
002B Oddish
002C Gloom
002D Vileplume
002E Paras
002F Parasect
0030 Venonat
0031 Venomoth
0032 Diglett
0033 Dugtrio
0034 Meowth
0035 Persian
0036 Psyduck
0037 Golduck
0038 Mankey
0039 Primeape
003A Growlithe
003B Arcanine
003C Poliwag
003D Poliwhirl
003E Poliwrath
003F Abra
0040 Kadabra
0041 Alakazam
0042 Machop
0043 Machoke
0044 Machamp
0045 Bellsprout
0046 Weepinbell
0047 Victreebel
0048 Tentacool
0049 Tentacruel
004A Geodude
004B Graveler
004C Golem
004D Ponyta
004E Rapidash
004F Slowpoke
0050 Slowbro
0051 Magnemite
0052 Magneton
0053 Farfetch'd
0054 Doduo
0055 Dodrio
0056 Seel
0057 Dewgong
0058 Grimer
0059 Muk
005A Shellder
005B Cloyster
005C Gastly
005D Haunter
005E Gengar
005F Onix
0060 Drowzee
0061 Hypno
0062 Krabby
0063 Kingler
0064 Voltorb
0065 Electrode
0066 Exeggcute
0067 Exeggutor
0068 Cubone
0069 Marowak
006A Hitmonlee
006B Hitmonchan
006C Lickitung
006D Koffing
006E Weezing
006F Rhyhorn
0070 Rhydon
0071 Chansey
0072 Tangela
0073 Kangaskhan
0074 Horsea
0075 Seadra
0076 Goldeen
0077 Seaking
0078 Staryu
0079 Starmie
007A Mr.Mime
007B Scyther
007C Jynx
007D Electabuzz
007E Magmar
007F Pinsir
0080 Tauros
0081 Magikarp
0082 Gyarados
0083 Lapras
0084 Ditto
0085 Eevee
0086 Vaporeon
0087 Jolteon
0088 Flareon
0089 Porygon
008A Omanyte
008B Omastar
008C Kabuto
008D Kabutops
008E Aerodactyl
008F Snorlax
0090 Articuno
0091 Zapdos
0092 Moltres
0093 Dratini
0094 Dragonair
0095 Dragonite
0096 Mewtwo
0097 Mew
0098 Chikorita
0099 Bayleef
009A Meganium
009B Cyndaquil
009C Quilava
009D Typhlosion
009E Totodile
009F Croconaw
00A0 Feraligatr
00A1 Sentret
00A2 Furret
00A3 Hoothoot
00A4 Noctowl
00A5 Ledyba
00A6 Ledian
00A7 Spinarak
00A8 Ariados
00A9 Crobat
00AA Chinchou
00AB Lanturn
00AC Pichu
00AD Cleffa
00AE Igglybuff
00AF Togepi
00B0 Togetic
00B1 Natu
00B2 Xatu
00B3 Mareep
00B4 Flaaffy
00B5 Ampharos
00B6 Bellossom
00B7 Marill
00B8 Azumarill
00B9 Sudowoodo
00BA Politoed
00BB Hoppip
00BC Skiploom
00BD Jumpluff
00BE Aipom
00BF Sunkern
00C0 Sunflora
00C1 Yanma
00C2 Wooper
00C3 Quagsire
00C4 Espeon
00C5 Umbreon
00C6 Murkrow
00C7 Slowking
00C8 Misdreavus
00C9 Unown
00CA Wobbuffet
00CB Girafarig
00CC Pineco
00CD Forretress
00CE Dunsparce
00CF Gligar
00D0 Steelix
00D1 Snubbull
00D2 Granbull
00D3 Qwilfish
00D4 Scizor
00D5 Shuckle
00D6 Heracross
00D7 Sneasel
00D8 Teddiursa
00D9 Ursaring
00DA Slugma
00DB Magcargo
00DC Swinub
00DD Piloswine
00DE Corsola
00DF Remoraid
00E0 Octillery
00E1 Delibird
00E2 Mantine
00E3 Skarmory
00E4 Houndour
00E5 Houndoom
00E6 Kingdra
00E7 Phanpy
00E8 Donphan
00E9 Porygon 2
00EA Stantler
00EB Smeargle
00EC Tyrogue
00ED Hitmontop
00EE Smoochum
00EF Elekid
00F0 Magby
00F1 Miltank
00F2 Blissey
00F3 Raikou
00F4 Entei
00F5 Suicune
00F6 Larvitar
00F7 Pupitar
00F8 Tyranitar
00F9 Lugia
00FA Ho-oh
00FB Celebi
00FC Treecko
00FD Grovyle
00FE Sceptile
00FF Torchic
0100 Combusken
0101 Blaziken
0102 Mudkip
0103 Marshtomp
0104 Swampert
0105 Poochyena
0106 Mightyena
0107 Zigzagoon
0108 Linoone
0109 Wurmple
010A Silcoon
010B Beautifly
010C Cascoon
010D Dustox
010E Lotad
010F Lombre
0110 Ludicolo
0111 Seedot
0112 Nuzleaf
0113 Shiftry
0114 Taillow
0115 Swellow
0116 Wingull
0117 Pelipper
0118 Ralts
0119 Kirlia
011A Gardevoir
011B Surskit
011C Masquerain
011D Shroomish
011E Breloom
011F Slakoth
0120 Vigoroth
0121 Slaking
0122 Nincada
0123 Ninjask
0124 Shedinja
0125 Whismur
0126 Loudred
0127 Exploud
0128 Makuhita
0129 Hariyama
012A Azurill
012B Nosepass
012C Skitty
012D Delcatty
012E Sableye
012F Mawile
0130 Aron
0131 Lairon
0132 Aggron
0133 Meditite
0134 Medicham
0135 Electrike
0136 Manectric
0137 Plusle
0138 Minun
0139 Volbeat
013A Illumise
013B Roselia
013C Gulpin
013D Swalot
013E Carvanha
013F Sharpedo
0140 Wailmer
0141 Wailord
0142 Numel
0143 Camerupt
0144 Torkoal
0145 Spoink
0146 Grumpig
0147 Spinda
0148 Trapinch
0149 Vibrava
014A Flygon
014B Cacnea
014C Cacturne
014D Swablu
014E Altaria
014F Zangoose
0150 Seviper
0151 Lunatone
0152 Solrock
0153 Barboach
0154 Whiscash
0155 Corphish
0156 Crawdaunt
0157 Baltoy
0158 Claydol
0159 Lileep
015A Cradily
015B Anorith
015C Armaldo
015D Feebas
015E Milotic
015F Castform
0160 Kecleon
0161 Shuppet
0162 Banette
0163 Duskull
0164 Dusclops
0165 Tropius
0166 Chimecho
0167 Absol
0168 Wynaut
0169 Snorunt
016A Glalie
016B Spheal
016C Sealeo
016D Walrein
016E Clamperl
016F Huntail
0170 Gorebyss
0171 Relicanth
0172 Luvdisc
0173 Bagon
0174 Shellgon
0175 Salamence
0176 Beldum
0177 Metang
0178 Metagross
0179 Regirock
017A Regice
017B Registeel
017C Latias
017D Latios
017E Kyogre
017F Groudon
0180 Rayquaza
0181 Jirachi
0182 Deoxys
0183 Turtwig
0184 Grotle
0185 Torterra
0186 Chimchar
0187 Monferno
0188 Infernape
0189 Piplup
018A Prinplup
018B Empoleon
018C Starly
018D Staravia
018E Staraptor
018F Bidoof
0190 Bibarel
0191 Kricketot
0192 Kricketune
0193 Shinx
0194 Luxio
0195 Luxray
0196 Budew
0197 Roserade
0198 Cranidos
0199 Rampardos
019A Shieldon
019B Bastiodon
019C Burmy
019D Wormadam
019E Mothim
019F Combee
01A0 Vespiquen
01A1 Pachirisu
01A2 Buizel
01A3 Floatzel
01A4 Cherubi
01A5 Cherrim
01A6 Shellos
01A7 Gastrodon
01A8 Ambipom
01A9 Drifloon
01AA Drifblim
01AB Buneary
01AC Lopunny
01AD Mismagius
01AE Honchkrow
01AF Glameow
01B0 Purugly
01B1 Chingling
01B2 Stunky
01B3 Skuntank
01B4 Bronzor
01B5 Bronzong
01B6 Bonsly
01B7 Mime Jr.
01B8 Happiny
01B9 Chatot
01BA Spiritomb
01BB Gible
01BC Gabite
01BD Garchomp
01BE Munchlax
01BF Riolu
01C0 Lucario
01C1 Hippopotas
01C2 Hippowdon
01C3 Skorupi
01C4 Drapion
01C5 Croagunk
01C6 Toxicroak
01C7 Carnivine
01C8 Finneon
01C9 Lumineon
01CA Mantyke
01CB Snover
01CC Abomasnow
01CD Weavile
01CE Magnezone
01CF Lickilicky
01D0 Rhyperior
01D1 Tangrowth
01D2 Electivire
01D3 Magmortar
01D4 Togekiss
01D5 Yanmega
01D6 Leafeon
01D7 Glaceon
01D8 Gliscor
01D9 Mamoswine
01DA Porygon-Z
01DB Gallade
01DC Probopass
01DD Dusknoir
01DE Froslass
01DF Rotom
01E0 Uxie
01E1 Mesprit
01E2 Azelf
01E3 Dialga
01E4 Palkia
01E5 Heatran
01E6 Regigigas
01E7 Giratina
01E8 Cresselia
01E9 Phione
01EA Manaphy
01EB Darkrai
01EC Shaymin
01ED Arceus

And Items(thanks gamefreakfatty)


Display spoiler
0001 Master Ball
0002 Ultra Ball
0003 Great Ball
0004 Poke Ball
0005 Safari Ball
0006 Net Ball
0007 Dive Ball
0008 Nest Ball
0009 Repeat Ball
000A Timer Ball
000B Luxury Ball
000C Premier Ball
000D Dusk Ball
000E Heal Ball
000F Quick Ball
0010 Cherish Ball
0011 Potion
0012 Antidote
0013 Burn Heal
0014 Ice Heal
0015 Awakening
0016 Parlyz Heal
0017 Full Restore
0018 Max Potion
0019 Hyper Potion
001A Super Potion
001B Full Heal
001C Revive
001D Max Revive
001E Fresh Water
001F Soda Pop
0020 Lemonade
0021 Moomoo Milk
0022 EnergyPowder
0023 Energy Root
0024 Heal Powder
0025 Revival Herb
0026 Ether
0027 Max Ether
0028 Elixir
0029 Max Elixir
002A Lava Cookie
002B Berry Juice
002C Sacred Ash
002D HP Up
002E Protein
002F Iron
0030 Carbos
0031 Calcium
0032 Rare Candy
0033 PP Up
0034 Zinc
0035 PP Max
0036 Old Gateau
0037 Guard Spec.
0038 Dire Hit
0039 X Attack
003A X Defend
003B X Speed
003C X Accuracy
003D X Special
003E X Sp. Def
003F Poke Doll
0040 Fluffy Tail
0041 Blue Flute
0042 Yellow Flute
0043 Red Flute
0044 Black Flute
0045 White Flute
0046 Shoal Salt
0047 Shoal Shell
0048 Red Shard
0049 Blue Shard
004A Yellow Shard
004B Green Shard
004C Super Repel
004D Max Repel
004E Escape Rope
004F Repel
0050 Sun Stone
0051 Moon Stone
0052 Fire Stone
0053 Thunderstone
0054 Water Stone
0055 Leaf Stone
0056 TinyMushroom
0057 Big Mushroom
0058 Pearl
0059 Big Pearl
005A Stardust
005B Star Piece
005C Nugget
005D Heart Scale
005E Honey
005F Growth Mulch
0060 Damp Mulch
0061 Stable Mulch
0062 Gooey Mulch
0063 Root Fossil
0064 Claw Fossil
0065 Helix Fossil
0066 Dome Fossil
0067 Old Amber
0068 Armor Fossil
0069 Skull Fossil
006A Rare Bone
006B Shiny Stone
006C Dusk Stone
006D Dawn Stone
006E Oval Stone
006F Odd Keystone
0070 ???
0071 ???
0072 ???
0073 ???
0074 ???
0075 ???
0076 ???
0077 ???
0078 ???
0079 ???
007A ???
007B ???
007C ???
007D ???
007E ???
007F ???
0080 ???
0081 ???
0082 ???
0083 ???
0084 ???
0085 ???
0086 ???
0087 Adamant Orb
0088 Lustrous Orb
0089 Grass Mail
008A Flame Mail
008B Bubble Mail
008C Bloom Mail
008D Tunnel Mail
008E Steel Mail
008F Heart Mail
0090 Snow Mail
0091 Space Mail
0092 Air Mail
0093 Mosaic Mail
0094 Brick Mail
0095 Cheri Berry
0096 Chesto Berry
0097 Pecha Berry
0098 Rawst Berry
0099 Aspear Berry
009A Leppa Berry
009B Oran Berry
009C Persim Berry
009D Lum Berry
009E Sitrus Berry
009F Figy Berry
00A0 Wiki Berry
00A1 Mago Berry
00A2 Aguav Berry
00A3 Iapapa Berry
00A4 Razz Berry
00A5 Bluk Berry
00A6 Nanab Berry
00A7 Wepear Berry
00A8 Pinap Berry
00A9 Pomeg Berry
00AA Kelpsy Berry
00AB Qualot Berry
00AC Hondew Berry
00AD Grepa Berry
00AE Tamato Berry
00AF Cornn Berry
00B0 Magost Berry
00B1 Rabuta Berry
00B2 Nomel Berry
00B3 Spelon Berry
00B4 Pamtre Berry
00B5 Watmel Berry
00B6 Durin Berry
00B7 Belue Berry
00B8 Occa Berry
00B9 Passho Berry
00BA Wacan Berry
00BB Rindo Berry
00BC Yache Berry
00BD Chople Berry
00BE Kebia Berry
00BF Shuca Berry
00C0 Coba Berry
00C1 Payapa Berry
00C2 Tanga Berry
00C3 Charti Berry
00C4 Kasib Berry
00C5 Haban Berry
00C6 Colbur Berry
00C7 Babiri Berry
00C8 Chilan Berry
00C9 Liechi Berry
00CA Ganlon Berry
00CB Salac Berry
00CC Petaya Berry
00CD Apicot Berry
00CE Lansat Berry
00CF Starf Berry
00D0 Enigma Berry
00D1 Micle Berry
00D2 Custap Berry
00D3 Jaboca Berry
00D4 Rowap Berry
00D5 BrightPowder
00D6 White Herb
00D7 Macho Brace
00D8 Exp. Share
00D9 Quick Claw
00DA Soothe Bell
00DB Mental Herb
00DC Choice Band
00DD King’s Rock
00DE SilverPowder
00DF Amulet Coin
00E0 Cleanse Tag
00E1 Soul Dew
00E2 DeepSeaTooth
00E3 DeepSeaScale
00E4 Smoke Ball
00E5 Everstone
00E6 Focus Band
00E7 Lucky Egg
00E8 Scope Lens
00E9 Metal Coat
00EA Leftovers
00EB Dragon Scale
00EC Light Ball
00ED Soft Sand
00EE Hard Stone
00EF Miracle Seed
00F0 BlackGlasses
00F1 Black Belt
00F2 Magnet
00F3 Mystic Water
00F4 Sharp Beak
00F5 Poison Barb
00F6 NeverMeltIce
00F7 Spell Tag
00F8 TwistedSpoon
00F9 Charcoal
00FA Dragon Fang
00FB Silk Scarf
00FC Up-Grade
00FD Shell Bell
00FE Sea Incense
00FF Lax Incense
作者: 王道    时间: 2008-3-29 12:55

0100 Lucky Punch
0101 Metal Powder
0102 Thick Club
0103 Stick
0104 Red Scarf
0105 Blue Scarf
0106 Pink Scarf
0107 Green Scarf
0108 Yellow Scarf
0109 Wide Lens
010A Muscle Band
010B Wise Glasses
010C Expert Belt
010D Light Clay
010E Life Orb
010F Power Herb
0110 Toxic Orb
0111 Flame Orb
0112 Quick Powder
0113 Focus Sash
0114 Zoom Lens
0115 Metronome
0116 Iron Ball
0117 Lagging Tail
0118 Destiny Knot
0119 Black Sludge
011A Icy Rock
011B Smooth Rock
011C Heat Rock
011D Damp Rock
011E Grip Claw
011F Choice Scarf
0120 Sticky Barb
0121 Power Bracer
0122 Power Belt
0123 Power Lens
0124 Power Band
0125 Power Anklet
0126 Power Weight
0127 Shed Shell
0128 Big Root
0129 Choice Specs
012A Flame Plate
012B Splash Plate
012C Zap Plate
012D Meadow Plate
012E Icicle Plate
012F Fist Plate
0130 Toxic Plate
0131 Earth Plate
0132 Sky Plate
0133 Mind Plate
0134 Insect Plate
0135 Stone Plate
0136 Spooky Plate
0137 Draco Plate
0138 Dread Plate
0139 Iron Plate
013A Odd Incense
013B Rock Incense
013C Full Incense
013D Wave Incense
013E Rose Incense
013F Luck Incense
0140 Pure Incense
0141 Protector
0142 Electirizer
0143 Magmarizer
0144 Dubious Disc
0145 Reaper Cloth
0146 Razor Claw
0147 Razor Fang
0148 TM01
0149 TM02
014A TM03
014B TM04
014C TM05
014D TM06
014E TM07
014F TM08
0150 TM09
0151 TM10
0152 TM11
0153 TM12
0154 TM13
0155 TM14
0156 TM15
0157 TM16
0158 TM17
0159 TM18
015A TM19
015B TM20
015C TM21
015D TM22
015E TM23
015F TM24
0160 TM25
0161 TM26
0162 TM27
0163 TM28
0164 TM29
0165 TM30
0166 TM31
0167 TM32
0168 TM33
0169 TM34
016A TM35
016B TM36
016C TM37
016D TM38
016E TM39
016F TM40
0170 TM41
0171 TM42
0172 TM43
0173 TM44
0174 TM45
0175 TM46
0176 TM47
0177 TM48
0178 TM49
0179 TM50
017A TM51
017B TM52
017C TM53
017D TM54
017E TM55
017F TM56
0180 TM57
0181 TM58
0182 TM59
0183 TM60
0184 TM61
0185 TM62
0186 TM63
0187 TM64
0188 TM65
0189 TM66
018A TM67
018B TM68
018C TM69
018D TM70
018E TM71
018F TM72
0190 TM73
0191 TM74
0192 TM75
0193 TM76
0194 TM77
0195 TM78
0196 TM79
0197 TM80
0198 TM81
0199 TM82
019A TM83
019B TM84
019C TM85
019D TM86
019E TM87
019F TM88
01A0 TM89
01A1 TM90
01A2 TM91
01A3 TM92
01A4 HM01
01A5 HM02
01A6 HM03
01A7 HM04
01A8 HM05
01A9 HM06
01AA HM07
01AB HM08
01AC Explorer Kit
01AD Loot Sack
01AE Rule Book
01AF Poke Radar
01B0 Point Card
01B1 Journal
01B2 Seal Case
01B3 Fashion Case
01B4 Seal Bag
01B5 Pal Pad
01B6 Works Key
01B7 Old Charm
01B8 Galactic Key
01B9 Red Chain
01BA Town Map
01BB Vs. Seeker
01BC Coin Case
01BD Old Rod
01BE Good Rod
01BF Super Rod
01C0 Sprayduck
01C1 Poffin Case
01C2 Bicycle
01C3 Suite Key
01C4 Oak’s Letter
01C5 Lunar Wing
01C6 Member Card
01C7 Azure Flute
01C8 S.S. Ticket
01C9 Contest Pass
01CA Magma Stone
01CB Parcel
01CC Coupon 1
01CD Coupon 2
01CE Coupon 3
01CF Storage Key
01D0 SecretPotion
作者: 最美我中文    时间: 2008-3-29 13:15

作者: 92zzq    时间: 2008-3-29 13:45

作者: mutonghy    时间: 2008-3-30 10:41

作者: liuyanghejerry    时间: 2008-3-30 10:43

作者: roywillow    时间: 2008-4-5 18:23

作者: roywillow    时间: 2008-4-6 11:32


Basic DP Hex editing
Since Pokespam are releasing some programs now, I figure I'd write up a little guide on hex editing some simple things in Pokemon Diamond(Pointers may differ slightly in Pearl). Also, for lists of items/pokemon/attacks look at the bottom of the post.
All those are in an reversed state, and to use them in a hex editor, you'll need to reverse the values. That might sound complicated but it isn't. Here's a few examples, that might help explain it.
5 > 00 05 > reversed > 05 00
B11F > B1 1F > reversed > 1F B1
162 > 01 62 > reversed 62 01
See, simple.
Also, If you already know how to do basic hex editing in GBA, you'll be able to do this easily
5=>00 05=>反过来=>05 00
B11F=>B1 1F=>反过来=>1F B1
162=>01 62=>反过来=>62 01


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