-绿宝石, 火红,等GBA口袋rom
-Cyclone 或者NamelessTileMapEditor (NTME): 用来拼图
-GBA-unLZ: 用来替换图片
STEP 1: 画好我们将要用的美图
I made my template with the background of the second screen in a battle, in Pokémon Platinum, and I use the fonts.
Many will think that insert this template is impossible, but it's not, follow the tutorial and see how it works.
STEP 2: Remove the tiles wich are repeated in the image, 记住使用的图片必须是8*8的,在画图,如下图:
After erasing all the tiles repeated, we must sort (or disorder), 先要搞到许多空位. If there are empty spaces, fill it, or leave as is. (注意:必须要16色)
再注意: In NTME flip images, so if a tile that is the same if flip it, you can remove the other.
After having done these things, it should be something like this:
Now we have to index the image and 保存为gif格式
Mine is indexed, and to be in. Png, and for those who want to know how I did, here are the steps:
1) Open the image with MSPaint.
2) Save it in .PNG
STEP 3: 打开一种tilemap编辑器, 我用的是NTME, because you can flip images and so you save more space (and bytes). Build the image as you did. 如下图:
[注意] 图片的高度和宽度都必须为32...即32*32 (如果不是...就自己保重吧) and always starts at the top left. Used to adjust the "+".
STEP 4: 保存 tilemap, and it is time to see how big is the tileset. Find the tileset, right click -> properties and look for "Space" (I think (size is in English)), we can see how big your tilemap, to use the FSF (FreeSpaceFinder).
STEP 5: 打开 FSF (FreeSpaceFinder) and 查找 2512 bytes的空间. 复制这个地址.
打开 unLZ, 打开rom. 我的是火红.
记住, 一般来说raw都在图片的下一个.
Image of the intro: 1635
Tilemap (.Raw) of the intro: In hex.
Image of the intro: 207
Tilemap (. Raw) of the intro: 208
Image of the intro: 2540
Tilemap (. Raw) of the intro: 2541
Go to the direction of the image. In this direction, select import image, select Write To ROM, and in "image offset", paste the address of the FSF get (must be 8 numbers, and if you have only 6 or 7, add one or two zeros (0)).
Select everything except "Export Pallett (that would be Export Image, New Image Auto Abort if Bigger and Automatically fix pointers), select OK. REMEMBER: Id doesn't matter if the image is bigger.
When you import the image in the box below you have the pallettes in order (I mean that when you go to insert the pallet should be in the same order). I recommend to make a screenshot (screenshot) of the screen, paste in paint, so you can more easily use the color picker in APE.
After importing the image,打开FSF, 查找2048的空间. 复制找到的地址, 再回到unlz, 导入Tilemap (.Raw. 像之前保存,输入在FSF中找到的地址, adding zeros are required (图片大小必须是8的倍数), select Export all Pallett. Select OK.
STEP 6: 回到VBA, 然后看到我们的改图效果出来了,但是颜色不对,是因为没有改到调色板的关系。截图:

打开APE, find the pallets intro (down) and replace the order they were in the unLZ.
-红宝: 作者该S地说不知道.
-火红: 00402260
-绿宝: 00DC3D54
经过改动调色板, 和我们想的一样的效果出来了.
本帖最后由 luojingmin 于 2009-11-1 11:27 编辑 ]